
T-2CCV developed in Japan I would like to see it added as one of the few Air Self-Defence Force premium aircraft.

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I have this on my list of planes I’d like to make a suggestion for eventually. A perfect candidate for a Tier 6 premium, squadron or event vehicle in a tech tree which is currently lacking.


From what I read the 1st prototype (XT-2 prototype) only had 20mm cannon and no capabilities for extra common weapons like bombs and such. However they built 3 more prototypes came out from it. They used the third XT-2 prototype , now known as the T-2 CCV or XT-2 CCV. My question is was the 3rd protype capable of being armed and carry the payloads? Or were all the prototypes only armed with a 20mm cannon?

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From my understanding this aircraft was unarmed and didn’t even have a cannon 😒πŸ˜₯


Gaijin does have a rule that if armament could be fitted, its allowed. So unless the space for the cannon was used for something else there might still be a chance.

We even got the XT-2/T-2 early which I believe had no hardpoints fitted with them in game because they could be refitted. The T-2CCV would be a very unique aircraft if they were to do the same.


They have already denied such vehicle(Unarmed EFT). So there isn’t much hope for this jet.


The EFT was purpose built without armament while the T-2CCV was converted from an armed aircraft.

While I agree the chances are low, I prefer to stay optimistic.


What EFT? or Whats a EFT

EuroFighter Typhoon, specifically an unarmed prototype/tech demonstrator Gaijin denied recently.


Ahh soo an armed T-2 CCV still has potential then, chances are low but still up there.

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