It’s getting pretty goofy facing off against 10.3 planes at 8.7. Gotta say, smart timing on Gajin’s end for releasing the say direct after BR changes.
They have no flares and 2 average missiles, anything higher than 10.0 is ridiculous when you consider the BR of the F-8E or the proper BR (10.7) of the Mig-21MF/SMT.
Supersonic that outturns the majority of what it faces with Aim-9P/Js at 9.7 is insanity. Even at 10.0 it outperforms and out missiles most aircraft.
Dude, the T-2 Early against a full team of 10.7’s is just going to be unplayable. Even worse when you factor in up to 4x 11.0’s
No point in discussing this further, all we need is D E C O M P R E S S I O N
Moving the T-2s up is a great way to start decompressing.
No, its a way to absolutely ruin the plane hundreds if not thousands of people just bought.
We start with top tier, move our way down.
It’s better that the T-2 be unplayable, especially right after the sale ends, than it be overpowered.
Its not overpowered, its just very good. Also, it wouldn’t give Gaijin a good look.
It wouldn’t be overpowered if it were at 10.3
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Really pal
The majority?
Mig-19S, Mig-19PT, Mig-17, Mig-17PF/Lim-5P, G91Y, Sag 2, Ariete… these are just the ones off the top of my head that out-dogfight T-2.
how shit do you have to be to struggle against the f2
I just flew 5 missions with the T-2 (non early). I was not the only T-2 around. In several matches, none of them got a kill.
Personally, I arrived at the conclusion that I don’t miss anything when I skip that premium offer.
Not so sure with the J2M4 Kai though.