T-14 Armata mod 2021

Wouldn’t the 292s penetration be higher?

It depends on balance and what other top tier the other nations get. I believe that T-14 will come first with Svinets and if the tank doesn’t perform well, then it will get Vacuum.

I’d definitely like to see the new ATGMs.

Well the Sokol-V wouldn’t be broken


That one’s infrared guided right, for anti tank/helicopter.

And just two days ago we got the first pic ever of it, the real thing. I’m no at home right now so I can’t share but wil do when I get back.


Hopefully sub 500mm. Because all modern ammo is apparently crippled in game except for some random modified American export tanks at 9.7

Definitely not, the penetrator is around 775mm in length, compare that to what we have now. For example DM53 is around 745mm in length and Ke 2020 neo is around 760mm in length apparently.

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Not sure about lengtt, but its chonky, it has quite the bigger diameter

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Dm 63 is also crippled

What tank has DM63 besides the 105mm variant.

Wiesel 1A4 :3


3UBK25 Sokol-V


Nice way to offset the complete domination of Leopards. Definitely Should be Added along with the T-15 Barbaris with Kinzhal Turret. Maybe the T-90M Proryv Obr.2023 should come too, with it’s upgraded reverse gears. USSR is complete garbage as of right now, both air and ground. If you don’t believe me, play few games solo and screenshot the results. It’s 8/10 losses.

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ah yeah, so pantsir and SU-34 with the KH-38 just dont exist.

You are aware the addition of T-14 etc warrants nato getting its equals as well like the leopard 2arc 3.0 kf51, embt etc etc

it aint helping you as much as you want, besides you being completly wrong in that USSR is complete garbage right now

Pure skill issue if you think russia is complete garbage. I get 8 kill games in the T-80U with ease, and a winrate of 56%. It’s a team issue, not a vehicle issue and giving russians more powerful toys won’t solve it.

“complete domination” that’s why while playing japan i constantly complain about the nuch superior leopard 2, or when i decide to go in the T80UK i struggle so much to kill leopards

Nice joke about air… Also as ground. Yes, it definitely need something interesting especially in top tier (but with good counterparts)

And now we have full view of the powerpack as mounted on the tank



Waiting to verify, If you don’t know the source i would not post on someone else’s behalf. As you’ll be responsible for the post.