Swedish Tiger II

old forum are pretty filled up with suggestions, most of it hasn’t been brough here into the new one
Which might be for the best because is there a lot of stuff that’s kinda pointless in it

Not the C, it would have the original 76mm gun which would perform worse than the german 75. So again 4.7 most likely and then it serves no point as there isnt a swedish 4.7 lineup. Youll be forced to uptier vehicles that arent that great or uptier the kv1 which will struggle so again. They should add both kv1a and b to fill out 3.7 and 4.0 and maybe that would finally get the stats gaijin needs to raise the kv1b to 4.3 but who knows

Ah, ok
Random fact, the Kranvagn (or EMIL) has technically been passed for consideration twice a now. Once on the old forums and now on the new forums.

So it didn’t come, neither the KV1A.

i hope everyone can stop crying now let’s wrap this up and go home.


Couldn’t it be an event tank? Probably that would be the most suitable place for it anyway…

Doubt it. Makes more sense to sell as a premium but again itd be best to not add the Tiger 2 and just add kv-1

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Though, any tech tree not getting 1 tt vehicle every update is a bit upsetting but nothing can be done. Ill be spending this update grabbing the hungarian gripen.

that’s in the finnish subtree except for the Sherman, learn to read better please



Damnit, the Sweeds are getting a event heavy tank before a TT one.

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Well, there’s still hope for the Strv KRV “kranvagn”

It was passed to developers in february

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The lvkv m/43 was passed a while ago. yet, nothing. i would argue our SPAA is in great need of support more than anything currently… Buut i would not say no, also most people WILL have a fit if it gets added XD

You are swedish player, so anything critical of sweden like a lack of “spaa” (totally not all just TD’s disguised as spaa) and everyone will scream at you.

Ayep, checks out. Happens whenever i say Swedens SPAA sucks players just say. “No- they are the best
because the have the best pen, and have high Firerate, and are amazing at taking out tanks!! the L/62 ANTI II is OP!!!” … wasn’t even my point, but okay…

High firerate? (Visable confusion)

Idk, man. When i point out the Russian SPAAs, or any 20mm Autocannon they scream SAP-HE and Strf 9040 or something that has a 40mm and has decent mobility. related to sweden. or they go off about how a number of Swedish tanks are OP and avoid my question…

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Thats because when people think sweden they think 10.0+ or DT, or Ush and thats as far as they think. Maybe the occasional wedge but if those are the only things they immediately think about (forgot to include SAV 20.12.48) then they simply dont have a good enough opinion to have a valid argument. Ill normally try to compare to vehicles i have or vehicles ive been able to play on my friends account or use his opinion when making an argument. Wont lie japan was rough but the m16 got me through until the jet age then i just had to give up until i got my dank TD the type 87 SPAA not any of the other Type 87’s lol. The swedish spaa is disappointing until you get 8.7 imo


Yea, and people Yell at me that the current Swedish SPAAs are op… and i agree with you that Japans SPAA tree was and still is much more horrible! the Sub is good but can only cover that much of a gap.

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The type 87 (p) i thought was bad like man the rcv at 9.0 was tough but dude the (p) made me think i was tonna lose my mind but i made 2 nukes in it and have positive KD’s on almost all my vehicles on japan. The (p) has the gun from the sub so i used that as my spaa for a while but it was more of a light tank/ah1g hunter lol.

And i thought the L/62 ANTI II was a bad SPAA, when I brought it to 5.0 then I got desperate and got the Lvkv 42 since it looked good. oh my god it was and still is a POS. the velocity of the Lvakan 48 is the same as the Lvakan 36 (Bofors L/70, Bofors L/60 respectively.) The only thing it has going for it is the 95mm at 10m, 40mm AP-T

For the love of god the velocity should be 1005m/s~ currently it is 850m/s!!

If the velocity was improved I could see both the Lvkv 42, VEAK 40 be much better. Especially the VEAK 40. seeing as it would become much better against aircraft. Downside would be the the Sap-HE would disappear. upside? or downside Both vehicles can be equipped with a APDS round with 120mm of pen at 100 meter. players will flock to that… another thing is the muzzle flash issue with autocannons. despite the 40mm having muzzle hiders!

here are the reports