Swedish Tiger II

Well I’m glad we can agree on that.

It would help if we had some kind of allied and axis sides with all this. I can accept the Swedes having a Tiger 2 maybe but not facing a Tiger two in a Tiger two. I am just sick of having to decide if a T34/M4/Pn IV is a friend or for in the smoke/fog and close proximity.

So sick of getting bombed out by a tank I thought was an ally, its a game of split-second decision making.



So it is, Sweden is the most biased gaming country in the game, after the USSR and the USA

It is in Sweden :)

The US tree. Like I said before, every production tank is either represented in other trees or likely to be put in other trees. The only ones not in other trees are the M46, M103 and M1. Some trees even get production US vehicles that Gaijin won’t add to the US tree.

Which ones do you think are unjustified to be in other trees is what I mean

Well, it depends on the circumstance. Was the vehicle used in combat and fill a need? Add it to the tree. Was it post war surplus sold off to scrape something together? Leave a gap.

Ok but I’d like to hear your specific examples

so a light tank, comet 1 with a new cannon , and an Artillery that has bad mobility, no armor and the only thing going for it is its cannons, not to mention its a big target.

yeah thats a lineup, you just don’t like it. I’ve used similar lineups in Italy

then why aren’t you satisfied with your 12.0 F16 ? now you are getting a copy paste gripen C, Mig29, mig23,2 mig21s, and not gonna mention the others.

M4A3 76mm
M18 Hellcat
M36 Jackson

The M1A2 absolutely should not be added to the Chinese tree.

How so?

Well, I don’t mean to be that much of a “WeLL AcTualIY” nerd, but the Swedish King Tiger had these unique horizontal flame suppressors on the rear end of the tank while having extra armour protection for the snorkel near the back of the turret.

Its also a very early production Tiger 2 (P). Earlier than the 2 (P) representation we see in the german tree i believe.

I kinda hope we see a cosmetic for it to look like it did after they were done with it as a target.

what are you even referencing, when did I bring up anything like that

I think the more egregious error on gaijin’s part is not adding these to other trees, but not even giving the US its most used variant of the sherman

exactly you didn’t ask for these stuff neither we did, and 1 guy doesn’t represent all sweden players.

@Balanced_Game not only the king tiger 2 fills the lineup in 6.7, it actually fixes a gap between the 5.7 and 7.7

im still confused on what you’re getting at tbh

when you guys are saying sweden players ask for everything in their TT be cause they main it.