Swedish Tiger II

Because Sweden already has a Light Tank that’s (arguably) better than the AMX-13. That Light Tank, in case you didn’t know, is the Pvbrv 501, a BMP-1 without the ATGM. I say it’s (arguably) better because it has a 6 second auto loader and 320mm pen at all ranges because it fires HEAT. So yeah, MoYo is right, Sweden doesn’t need a LT, and due to Sweden only having 2 tanks that are made of paper, and 2 identical jets that aren’t even mediocre, Sweden can use and kinda does NEED, the King Tiger.



Then get gaijin to change their minds about the kv-1 which they denied for finland. Id rather have a finnish heavy tank then have the tiger 2. But gaijin has dug themselves a hole if the leak is true.

Copy and paste ruins the uniqueness of the trees that get copied from. The minor trees get to keep their unique vehicles while major trees get picked over.


Majors are also majors for a reason and likely have more of their own unique things alongside the copy pasted vehicle than the minor nation has….


Every production US tank is in another tree. The US has fewer unique vehicles than it does vehicles found in other trees.

I’m pretty sure Sweden is considered a minor nation and currently the highest BR jet is being used by GB and Italy, if a Thai sub-tree added for Japan that’s also a Gripen possibility
There’s even some guy that wants Gripen and Centauro added to the USSR

Don’t really think any nation has a high chance of being completely unique, both big and small


This is a meaningless distinction. Whether something was a one-of or produced in the millions has no bearing on the uniqueness of it within WT.

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The utter vast majority of these are gap fillers and wouldn’t even be pure copy paste, so I really don’t see the issue.

This is the problem. The whole idea of a nation being different is the reason for having them surely otherwise we would have just stuck to the big 3. If Gaijin just want to appease sheer numbers of people then India and Brazil would have had a line up long ago and there lies Gaijin’s big problem

Somebody takes the discission to do something then a couple of years later that person has obviously left and somebody else comes in and has no idea why something was done in the first place.

The new roadmap tramples over the last roadmap like it has no memory of it ever existing. Same with map making, one Dev makes a great map another comes along a year later and hacks it to bits.

We should be asking the player base to accept that Italy or Sweden had no heavy tanks but instead Gaijin give out battle pass challenges completely forgetting that some nations cant do them.

Seems we are all having this debate because Gaijin can’t get its act together.

The whole idea of Italy and Sweden would be that they didn’t have Heavy tanks just like UK had solid shot which makes the game harder but that’s the point. The uniqueness is what makes the later nations interesting, but they are all flooded with copy paste and are no longer interesting, now we have the plea for a Tiger 2 and we can see where Gaijin gets the bad ideas from.

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No point to play Germany when there is nothing in the tree that is actually unique, Tigers, Panthers, Panzer 3/4, Tiger ll, Leopards, 109s, 190s, BF110s… what reason is there to play Germany? Even their top tier is dunked on by Sweden that gets more and better Leopards.

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I agree and you can say the same with Russia and USA.

We also have a mess of a game as well with same tanks on both sides.

Everyone is forgetting one major fact here, and when I say major, I mean MAJOR.
The whole idea of the Swedish King Tiger is not a user made vehicle suggestion on the Forums, which means one thing. THE ENTIRE IDEA of Sweden getting a King Tiger, would be ENTIRELY GAIJIN/THE DEVELOPER’S IDEA. Stop complaining about “Sweden players want EVERYTHING that got within a mile of Swedish land” when things like the Mi-28A, the T-80U, and the King Tiger WEREN’T EVEN ASKED FOR. So if you guys could please use AT LEAST 2 more brain cells and use a little more logic, reasoning, and brain power, it would be very much appreciated.


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No you are forgetting that this entire discussion is response to the original post made. Its not even a new idea currently and it has branched out naturally as discussions do into the wider idea of a tech needing to be full in the same way the big 3 are when maybe they do not.

I’m fine with like T-34s, Shermans and Panzer IVs being traded around… and some German stuff with Italy and some allied stuff with UK or something, but it’s nuts how much copy paste there is, but especially with German top tier just being a discount Sweden version, it’s sad that even the most iconic things like Panthers and Tigers aren’t sacred.

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Yeah I probably am forgetting something. Brain is fried from trying to read everything. But my point is still valid as a lot of it has devolved into “Sweden asked for insert item, why should they have it?”
Along with the people arguing whether or not Sweden needs the King Tiger, there’s the Kranvagn that could be added, but that would be closer to 8.0 which is already pretty decent, so I’ll say it would be a welcome addition considering 6.7 Sweden has no armor, albeit a controversial and unconventional one.

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Is anything sacred in War Thunder anymore?

Like anything in this game it will be welcome by some and not by others and its hard then to say wheter it is right or wrong.

I can only say ,look past just Sweden and what Sweden needs in a small way, to fill a gap and look at the game overall.

Do you want a game where we have the same tanks on every side?

Should we focus on accepting gaps and accepting some Nations have gaps in some places? So Sweden never made heavies and neither did Japan ,Germany didn’t make anything post war for a while. Thats the way it was so should we accept that?

If we throw history in the bin then fine but lets give the UK roof mounted MGs and APHE in WW2 then for the sake of balance and gameplay then. Where would we stop ?

I wont cry if Sweden gets the Tiger 2 but I urge the players to just think about how the game is going and how it will be soon.

Im sure the Tiger 2 will also be an expressive premium like the Italian Tiger.

sweden 6.7 has two tanks and 6.3 has one though? thats not a bad lineup

You completely missed the point. The only reason the US has unique vehicles is the prototypes. Minor nations don’t have that issue. Major nations should not be dismantled to fill trees that can’t support themselves.

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Whats an example of this being done in your opinion?