Sweden should also get Gripen C

So what is the explanation for actually doing it though? Because all this is is Gaijin doubling down saying you hear the complaints but don’t care and do it anyways without explaining why.

6 9Ms on a chassis that can’t be hit by ERs or R-73s due to 700 countermeasures & can out-dogfight everyone in the lobby…
The aircraft will be fine. It’s literally the meta next update.
Air RB is where this’ll shine the most and BOL & 9Ms will exist on both, so both A & C will be equally a threat.

Edit: I really don’t understand how people could backlash to this comment of me saying Gripen A & Gripen C would both be meta.
I don’t understand how ANYONE could oppose Gripen C…

Anyone who played JA37s would know how grind it is, and this shouldn’t happen again

even a future premium JAS39A would be more acceptable than current situation

Dont listen to this guy he always does this. Not to long ago he was conplaining about the obj 279 going up in br

You’re telling people to not listen to Gripen fans…
Sir do you not know your own name? Cause you’re hating the Gripen right now for no reason.

I also never complained about Object 279 going up in BR.

It just i think thats what gajin is doing yeah they could add both and give the later one AMRAAMS but i don’t think they are gonna do that

No need to be so rude and gloat

The loadout to meme on everyone in top BR.

I think you are confusing him with Alex who had the same profile icon/picture.

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Yeah if they don’t nerf it hopefully

As far as I can tell there’s nothing to nerf. It’s flight characteristics, engine, and weapons are all accurate.

Alex does seem the type to get upset over Object 279 to that extent.

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Nice hope the C one will be same performance

The 100% will. Hence why the A needs hmd or they need to add the C for sweden

Im fine if they give the A HMD even though it never used it

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Your vision is so restricted that you cant see the problem in here.

Gripen A lacks proper RWR which is cruical for both ground and air rb, you cant identify what is locking on you or looking at for you there, it lacks HMD which is also another feature that boosts your flying capabilites significantly.

Lacking more hardpoints also hurts your ordinance capacity and lacking better engine is reducing your endurance during flight time.

Again you have no idea what you’re talking about.


Gripen C could come as a twin set, I don’t see why you’re attacking me for saying that.
As for Gripen A…
I’m very aware of its RWR that still gives me launch warnings.

As for HMD… from my experience on dev so far it pulls so much alpha that HMD wouldn’t increase my lethality with it.

The fact you claim that Gripen fliers don’t know what they’re talking about is hilarious.
It has as much engine performance as Mirage 2000 currently.

Aha, good luck against enemy sam system that you cant identify, also that RWR doesnt give any warning against any modern spaa in this game.


Sorry but your personal experience doesnt mean shit in this case, it lacks HMD compare to other top tier jets which is disadvantage, only other jet that lacks HMD is the F-15 but it compansates by having really good acceleration,more missiles and much better Rwr.

Nobody Said anything about flight performance stop trying to put my words into my mouth.

Safe to say your personal experience doesnt mean shit in this case.


You mean player SPAA?
I haven’t looked at RWR in ground RB since Pantsir was announced [not even released], I just pretend every SPAA is always spawned on the enemy team looking directly at me. My tactics don’t change whether they’re there or not.

Gripen will win all 1v1s, you underestimate Gripen in the context of War Thunder’s air RB meta that is IR missiles.

HMD would be nice, however it’s meta with or without it.
Can’t be hit by missiles, can’t be out-dogfaught by lone attackers.

As it should until BVRs change the meta
(I see you change your icon so people don’t confuse you with some else right)

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