Sweden BR change. Rank 6 is a joke at this point

Sweden Rank 6 is now extremely tough, with the following aircraft at their current BR’s :

  1. J32B ‘Lansen’ : 9.3
  2. J29F ‘Tunnan’ : 9.0
  3. J34 AKA ‘Swedish Hunter’ : 9.0
  4. The A32A is fine at BR : 9.0

These aircraft (1-3) lack countermeasures, and already this is a problem. No, I’m not saying they need them, but need to be moved down in terms of ARB battle rating, the reason being the J32B faces Frontal aspect missiles already, lacking maneuverability, countermeasures and possibly speed, the Lansen can not out-run, out turn, out gun most of its opponents. Now I do understand it carries 4xRB24 missiles, but those are only equal to AIM9B’s which are extremely unreliable against anything Around Supersonic speeds or that has countermeasures. I propose its BR gets moved to 9.0 from 9.3, respectfully.

Now the Tunnan was always fine at 9.0, but as of recent developments in War Thunder, it is no longer a well suited Fighter, facing many opponents with flares and frontal aspects, simply making it difficult to find good opportunities in a match. I propose it gets moved from 9.0 to 8.7, As I see it to be very similar to the G91, with two less missiles but a bit faster.

Now the ‘Swedish hunter’. Average speed, two RB24’s, No countermeasures OK armament, Less maneuverable but faster than the Tunnan, and I will say it again, no Flares. TBH this plane fits perfect at 8.7, its simply a worse Scimitar F1.

And a last possible suggestion is that the J35D ‘Draken’ fits better at 10.0 rather than 10.3 since it has no countermeasures, simply getting deleted in uptiers, all it has going for itself is a bit of speed and above-average maneuverability but it still gets out-classed.


Anyone have thoughts on this?

If they follow the roadmap and add different BRS for strike aircraft and fighter aircraft for air RB and Ground RB these things will definitely go down the reason they’re high is because they’re OP in ground.

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I stopped researching Swedish jets (and almost all nations) because tier 6 is mostly terrible to play


I get they are OP cas, I really do, and cas in general is OP, but in ARB they are terrible, and it amazes me what aircraft these things are up against. And as for Ground RB, simply keep the current BR

I know I know just hold out a little longer until they implement the separate BRs


The J29F, J32B and J34 lack any useful air to ground ordinance. At best, you get a few dumbfire rockets with no CCIP. The guns are mediocre too, they’re just Hispanos (Or 30mms with the same penetration but much less ammo)

As for the A32, it’s almost a downgrade to the SAAB-105G at 8.3. You get better flight performance, sure, but fewer bombs, all of which are smaller than 2 of the ones on the 105G if you bring gunpods, or all 4 if you bring missiles instead.

If you want a vehicle to be lower in BR you need to play it worse.

I agree with you, this post should garner more attention about the current situation with Swedish 9.0-9.3 Aircraft bracket, I’ll copy-paste my response to another forum thread with the same question:

  • J32B (9.3) can’t properly fight against anything above 9.7 that has both flares and better rear-aspect/full-aspect missiles to not only counter your weak RB24 missiles which are only really useful against slow-moving, poor-maneuverability targets that can’t juke them, but also kill you easily without any flares to back save you even from an early rear-aspect missile;
  • A32A (9.0) is only really useful in Ground Realistic Battles as a CAS and even then fighting against any heat-seeking missile platforms like Strela, Chaparral, Ozelot, etc. makes you play at really low altitudes to avoid detection and a potential lock, while at this exact same BR you’ll encounter such planes as A-4E Early with guided bombs and flares;
  • J34 (9.0) is just a J32B but worse, self-explanatory.

So the ground changes are out and they didnt change what now?

i’ve got no clue

Guess I never really made my opinion clear earlier, overall they’re fine (Except the A32A, assumedly). The problems they have are not unique to them, and their flight performance is completely reasonable for the tier. Almost all 9.0/9.3 aircraft suffer from subsonic/transonic performance against MiG-19s and F-104s, and a lack of flares against high G missiles. The Swedes are not an exception that needs to be moved down, the only solution is BR decompression of the whole bracket. But on to each plane individually:

J29F is a pretty decent all-rounder. You’ve got solid manueverability, decent acceleration, decent retention and workable guns (With tons of ammo). You can sort of do anything you want with it, which allows you to pretty easily jump on vulnerable planes. In a downtier, you can hang with pretty much anything you see, but the lack of specialization hurts it pretty badly in uptiers. You generally end up facing planes that can do everything better than you. I still managed a 1.9 KD with it.

The J32B is a pretty great plane, in my experience. You get the thrust of an F-100 without sacrificing agility, and you no longer rip your wings when you look at them funny at high speed. The guns have always hit like a truck, and now you get tracers so you can actually aim them in deflection shots. Ultimately, it’s a great energy fighter that can also turn well enough when it needs to. Probably among the best 9.3s (Excluding the outlier F-104s and MiG-19). I managed a 3.2 KD with it.

The J34 is the least impressive, in my experience. The Hunters back when they top of the tree were only really exceptional due to impressive top speed, which is no longer an asset with supersonics running around. You can pull enough for deflection shots, but not much more, and your acceleration from lower speeds is pretty sub par. You’re basically a subsonic energy fighter forced to face F-104s, MiG 19s and countless more transonics in even mild uptiers. The largest advantage I felt they had was that back when I ground through rank 6, they were the only Swedish plane with tracers. Still managed a 2.0 KD.

Never played the A32A. Didn’t look particularly good, and attackers aren’t my style. Cannot comment.