Suspicious players in the leaderboard

The player that I saw already had a few kills in a few vehicles, just none on the “last month” stats, so that shouldn’t be a factor to force players outside of newbies battles. And it doesn’t spawn late, it spawns at the last seconds left of the battle, turns the turret a bit and match is over, so no chance to even aim at anything less get a kill.

In my opinion, either the game doesn’t count losses if you don’t get to spawn on those matches(easy to test, just grab a new vehicle and try to do it either win or lose and check if it shows in stats) or, something that I also noticed on those replays, most if not all matches were against a full team of bots, so the win was almost certain. Not long ago, some XBox players were playing top tier tanks in newb battles and capturing points in turns around 30 times each, getting huge scores, so they found a way to play in those matches, maybe it’s something similar.

If I remember well I think you don’t get to spawn if you are in spectator view, so it probably is set to do just that, wait in spectator view and then only spawn just before the end of the match in case it’s a certain win.

Only one team has humans.

But there was at least one match where he was the only human.

I took a quick look at several of these players. It appears that the majority of them are merely using reserve vehicles. My guess is that some players discovered a way to stay in Newbies Battles playing against bots indefinitely in order to farm the leaderboard ranking. If you look at the novice battles in the replay, you will note that it is only players versus bots, so it is a 100% win.

To summarize, I would not pay attention to these little details since they have no impact on my gameplay (or that of most others). The only thing and only way they will ever influence anyone is if you care about stats and your standing in the leaderboard (but honestly, how many of us care about this?).

The question should be why is someone wasting time doing this?
It only gives you winrate and barely no progress.

The same question as to why someone is so interested in stats. I am sure everyone has different hobbies. This is entertaining to them.

Maybe someone decided to make WT bots for fun and are just testing them, but my worry is if this is just a step to make something that would affect other players too. For now they go against bots in newbies battles and only seem interested in winrate, which like you I also find it weird since it brings no progress, but if they then decide to go for something else? The only way I can see to get bigger progress in this game is by getting kills, assists or caps, and this will affect others.

In my opinion, as long as this does not escalate into something that affects other players’ gaming (cheating, farming accounts for sale, grifting), it is not a major issue and is probably fairly low on the priority list. But in that case, we will have to wait and see. This is just my two cents.

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only that the [GOTTKAISER] is added by you, i was generally referiring to 100% winrate players. lots of them use the tactic i described in the past. Also they usually doesn’t refer to a single person. it was obviously generalized.

You want this to be the case, that i meant this guy in particular, i did not. Hell i clearified it is done in Air AB… this guy didn’t do it in Air AB. you WANT to read it this way. that’s it

Winrate means nothing as it is based upon team. One can not control team.

What’s more important is kill rate. How many kills you get vs deaths per plane. That shoes skill. win rate shows how many times you have been on a winning team.

This is wrong, one can control enough of it to get over (90+x)%. that is called squadding. You should surely know that.

Because they’re winners and they’re winning by being #1 in some irrelevant leaderboard :)

And they are doing it in newbies battles against AI bots, what an acchievement! ;) On a more serious note, I think someone is developing a bot and this is just a test towards their objective.

Has it been confirmed that these newb accounts were inactive? Because in the battles I have seen, they were not!

Assuming they were not inactive and stayed for 1000 battles, maybe they plan on selling these accounts? After all, 1000 Battles should give some research and crew skill.

From a sales perspective it’d be a pretty poor return on investment to be honest; if I were to buy an account I wouldn’t want something that has barely anything unlocked past rank 2 or 3. I think it’s a combination of perhaps a bot testing ground and just people that want to be #1 on the leaderboard and will do the stupidest things to get there.

Yes, it doesn’t make much sense to sell an account made the way these ones were, barely no progress, just high winrate. Anyone could do better(more progress) by playing a couple of hours. For me this is also someone testing bots or trying to prove that they can sit #1 in the leaderboard.

I was taken out twice by a guy yesterday that seemed like two miracle snaps shots from a good distance with obstacles in the way, and I was waiting for him to pop so I could shoot!..i look at his card and had like 22 days played with over 30,000 kills…YEAH, RIGHT!

That’d boil down to a little over 1300 kills per day, assuming 24/24 hours played that’s still 54 an hour. I’m pretty sure (I’m hoping… at least) that Gaijin would have some monitoring in place for outrageous sudden kill rates like this. Then again…

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