Suspicious players in the leaderboard

found the squad it is definately WinFX

They aren’t banned so they aren’t cheaters, it’s just that so few people play objectives in Air Ab that you can achieve high winrates if you actually do.

they have players with 95% winrate in regular matches, they do it in air AB, and with new accounts in the beginner zone they should easily push their winrates to north of 96%. Then it is just around 41 tries.

even when they play regular mathes they should have 100 win streaks, since for UnglaublicherUlk it’s just 117 tries when he plays regularly.

So as i said before it’s doable even without the starter zone.

Gaijin may have changed the newbie rules for ground AB again. If you can stay in that pool, you have no trouble winning with a player team against bots. The only risk you may encounter is loss of server, which may then lead to a defeat. So this may basically be done against the probability of a server failure leading to a defeat.

picks up Dunning-Kruger thread again out of morbid curiosity

long sigh
walks away

Then proof they cheat.

I have seen WinFX play.
They just bomb. They rarely engage enemy aircrqft. What’s to cheat?

I mean the winrates are very suspicious and they have yet to be caught.

Innocent until proven guilty.

The ones with high activity are some sealclubbers playing either very late at night, or possibly right after updates. They likely also squad up, or use bot accounts in the eenemy team, running them in VMs.
Basically everything they do is against the TOS, yet these players are not banned.

No one has accused either of those players you like and who do do well of anything, I certainly didn’t. I was sighing at your starting out your post with an immediate logical fallacy, confusing cause and effect.

Your current thesis for the question OP originally posed, as I understand it, is that some equally good player to those two gentlemen has created hundreds or possibly thousands of accounts, many named “GOTTKAISER” and is playing them in regular matches, using legitimate means, until he loses one single game and then he discards them and starts another “GOTTKAISER” account. He’s been doing this over and over again to see how long a streak he can get, with his best streak so far of 969 consecutive wins. He achieves this feat, despite being a top 1% player of the game, without getting any kills or scoring any points in any of those actual games, and always ending up in last place (of the humans anyway) on the scoreboard.

This is the theory you are defending at this point. Or we could just go with Dodo and Occam and look at one of his server replays and immediately see that he’s just abusing the newb bots and stop wondering about your alternate bizarro world hypothesis which you are continuing to defend, for some reason. Or you could ignore the replays and just look at his service record in game, which shows his highest primary account is only Player Level 11, despite 1000-0 AB win records for some, which never show up on his player stats by vehicle (because they’re newb bot games), and assume the much more logical hypothesis that he’s just playing the account until he’s ejected from the newb bot zone, and then dropping it for a new one so he can go back and play more bot zone, and probability and the birthday problem and infinite monkeys and Wolfram have nothing to do with this.

Which you know, is fine. He’s mostly only abusing bots, and not making any significant earnings or hurting other players from it (except for maybe a newb wandering in for their first ever game and losing once in a while). Victimless crime, really. As War Thunder’s big problems go, GOTTKAISER is not one of them. Still nothing wrong with OP pointing it out though. And not getting bumped out of newb zone for 1000 games would be a trick, would be interesting for those of us trying to help new players better to know how they achieve it.

No it isn’t. Read the entire thing again.

The claim was that this is an Impossible explanation for a 100% winrate. All i am saying is that it isn’t impossible.

I never said how it happened, all i said is that said option is not off the table. I used the example of others who did it as an example on how it is done.

It was just about the possibillity to get 100WR on that leaderboard. Everything else you interpreted and wasn’t there. Since the players shown are ground players and tge ine doing this in the past were air players.

Also for a 100 WR those players nee around 41 accounts not hundreds of thousands. I even posted the formula with their current winrate.

Regarding the logical fallacy? Which one is it. You are claiming they are cheating. I am on the position that the burdon of proof is on the one making the claim.

I quote it for everyones reading convenience:

Morbid curiosity strikes again… ;-)

Am because the second one is an examplle on how others did it. Or how it can be achieved… It is an unspecific “zu they” and does not refer to the persons in the Screenshot.

It’s it refers to people in general. “This can be done they just do xyz.” This doesn’t mean it happened this way it means it is how it could happened. Don’t quotemine

I already stated that outright… But it seeems too late.

Again it has been done in the past and can be achieved that way. My umbridge was with the fact that he denied the possibillity outright.

Ma dude, you lost hard. Take the L. You just sound pathetic now.

I have seen them play Air AB for years, I have played with them(in squad) and against them, in random battles or in events.
They used to focus on the objectives that can bring the win faster, usually ground targets but also bases, sometimes they could win faster but for some reason they allow the game to go on for longer and only end it when they want to end it, probably doing some GE wagers.
I don’t think they cheat and I doubt they would be allowed in that squadron if they did.

I’ve watched a couple of replays of that GOTTKAISER , he only plays newbies battles against bots and only spawns when the game is almost over and won.
I doubt it’s a human player doing this…

Lost? what do you think this is.

you are imagining i am arguing something that i am not.

i never meant that player in particular, just that it can be done by some players rather easily without cheating.

people with 95% winrate can do this in 41 tries 50% of the time. not an unreasonable amount

That is generally what happens yes, with all YT content. You cherry-pick your games, obviously, because it makes for (subjectively) “better” content. Phly does it, Oddz does it, Voyager does it (and spawn camps like a maniac), Justin does it, heck, DollarPlays does it to some extent.

It’s normal :)

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Oddballz has played for years. He has experience many of us do no matter if you are a CC or not. Now there is some people who are less skilled than others but i won’t dive into that iceberg.

Be glad I’m not making YT videos anymore, it’d be the “welcome to suck land, where I suck at the game so you don’t have to” chronicles >.>

I really doubt it’s a player, seems more like a bot for me that only spawns on winning matches at the last tickets. What human player would sit without spawning waiting for the match to be won and counting the last tickets just to spawn before it’s end?

Most people with high winrate mostly play in squads of 3-4 similar players just to keep their winrate high.

Just a reminder that this is 100% a lie. The fellow’s first post, in this thread. You can read it yourself.

“It is a statistics trick. A cheap one… They [GOTTKAISER] make lots of accounts, start battles but do not really partake in them. If the team loses they start a new Account. By chance alone they eventually get over 100 wins without doing anything.”

You’re wasting your time, Sard. As was said above, this whole argument is a complete Dunning-Kruger case study.

But yeah, that’s interesting, what you saw in the replays. Apparently you have to get at least one kill to be un-newbzoned then, at least in naval. Spawning in late minimizes the chance of accidentally killing something, so the streak can continue. If you don’t get a kill you can presumably stay a zoned newb forever. But if they’re not participating, then it begs the question how are they ensuring they still win every single time? So presumably that means another WT mechanic we don’t really think about a lot (at least I don’t) is, if it’s a loss and you’ve stayed in lobby and never spawn, it doesn’t count for you as a loss… but does that mean that you could pull this kind of streak off even out of newb zone, with only the one account… if you’re patient enough to watch every game to the end from the lobby and see if it’s a win for your team and only spawn in at the last second for the wins? Kinda surprised the game doesn’t force you to select at least one vehicle in lobby eventually if you didn’t quit… always thought it did in fact.

Ahh a fly kill it kill it SMACK ok now its dead.