Support for a No CAS Game option for GRB Poll

You two comments ago:

Talk about awful comparisons.

The person you replied to didn’t even mention SPAA.

Anyone with common sense would have the conclusion that people have a variety opinions, which they are entitled to. Especially in a non-competitive online multiplayer game. I certainly wouldn’t go searching for his playercard to judge the efficacy of his argument.

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Not in this topic. He attacked the creator and people who think like that which obiously come from what I have pointed out.

So if one is saying that SPAA is effective against the Air and other is saying that it is not, how will You decide which is telling the truth? Both of them present arguments that exclude each other, so how will You know which opinion is closer to the truth?

You can just see how players play the game and see which has experience in what he is talking about and which doesn’t. Would You trust football analyst who have been wrong about everything he has said or the one who showed many times that his words are covered in reality?


You would look at how those vehicles are performing on the population level. Unfortunately GJN doesn’t make that kind of information publicly available, however there are certain proxies we can use, like Thunderskill.

You’re essentially just attacking his argument and calling him a liar at this point. I’ve only just unlocked the Pantsir, so I can’t comment too much on it, but it seems pretty strong from what I’ve seen so far.



Did they really tried to flag you ^^ pathetic


I would probably never play a no-CAS mode. In my opinion, CAS is a critical part of ground gameplay, being the “great equalizer”. Often, CAS is the only way to dig out campers or deal with the heaviest vehicles at an uptier. Without CAS, GRB would be a much different, much worse place.

HOWEVER! I am for a no-CAS mode. I disagree with people who oppose CAS , but their opinions still matter. If they want a mode without CAS, let them, so long as the rest of us still have a mode with CAS. If anything, maybe it’ll remove those same campers that cause far more harm to the game than the CAS they hate.


Oh yes, CAS is good against spawn camping…

Yeah, all these craters were made by spawncamping tanks…


I think it could be a lot more fun for the tankers. The good news is you wouldn’t have to play it.

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I would certainly like to see some changes to this game mode, I think its fine to have aircraft, but i think i would maybe increase the SP or something, In some games ive seen players just capping a point then spend an entire match in a plane bombing, It defeats the purpose of the game mode i believe.

I think another issue is the “Kill Cam” i think its a joke, it gives them a reason to revenge bomb.

The other suggestion is to perhaps remove the ability to basically free look 360 around the tank, its way too OP, and with low end graphics you see alot more than you should be able to.

KDR and player ranks don’t affect player skill set. I’m around 73 to 80 don’t recall and I perform like crap unless I’m playing as Auxiliary/support and aerial in which I perform on the part. So yeah I agree with many of your points stated.

It isn’t mutually exclusive, obviously

CAS can prevent spawn camping as it can spawn camp itself… (crazy i know)

But CAS is op yes, however i don’t really think removing it will magically fix all problems in ground RB. I’d rather see SPAA being buffed across the board


It wouldn’t matter in a game with no CAS and on occasion we do have games with no CAS in GRB and they work

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we’re just going to agree to disagree here.

As much as the maverick / GBU spam can be annoying, it sure is helpful against the hords of t-80’s that can be present at top tier… (especially on small urban maps)

I dont play top tier

HI. If I have this right then nothing changes for the GRB as it is but a new game is introduced? This makes any argument for the usefulness of CAS irrelevant I guess. Is that correct? Excused me if I have misunderstood.

Would it not be the same as World of Tanks?

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Yes that is right.As for WoT,I have never played it

i dont think this comment section realises campers would be on the rise without cas

or that some really op tanks would be basically unkillable hull down

hey now that doesnt sound like a bad idea i camp all game anyways


Really the only issue with CAS, if it wasn’t for people being petty, it wouldn’t be as much of an issue.

We really need to get this implemented. Another GRB game totally ruined by CAS.
Got two in 76 Sherman at 5.0 then bombed by a Stuka having moved from sniping spot. Then M22 dash to take spawn ruined by CAS.

No way to capture lost points so I left the game after two. Not throwing anymore at that rubbish.
Pretty much the story of ground realistic at the moment which is why I play the game less and less. Also any good cover has been removed and maps are just big open CAS pits now, bland and featureless.

SPAA is just a tank that screams its position out to enemy planes louder than a regular tank as far as I can see at World War Two and early Cold war levels.

I don’t see why a tank game should be put into the hands of plane enthusiasts with joysticks and rudder peal setup costing hundreds versus tankers using a mouse or worse still a console.

Air arcade and Air Realistic is for planes, Naval is for the ships so where is our game?


no, literally none of this is correct or accurate.