Super Étendard

Did they just add this plane AT 10.0 WITH NO FLARES?

Even though it had flares?

Hold on where’s that meme post.

I found it haha


Ages like fine milk

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They didn’t, it was a very Work-in-progress plane in the first dev-server.

Dev server’s been updated, its not hidden anymore, and it has 252 countermeasures.

Would be really nice if people didn’t freak out because something looks like its missing in the first dev server build.



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no as30L are the loadouts not finished or were they removed for another reason


Couple issues with the model, invisible magic pylon on the right and the TGP view is stuck inside the pod. I’ve reported these internally.


as well as the main part of the elevators don’t move is this intentional or is the model not finished because the super Etendard could as shown in this video

Reported also, cheers.

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So, why does this thing sit at 10.0 without it’s Magic IIs? Russia and US both have their subsonic attack aircraft with their all-aspect missiles either at 10.0 or 10.3 minimum. So why is it the Super Entendard can’t get it’s all-aspect missiles despite being at 10.0?


the devs still might be in the mindset from pre missile aerodynamic changes when magic still had a ton of range and didn’t lose energy as fast as it does now
and that its faster than those aircraft it can do Mach 1.07 in a dive which im not sure how useful that will be at 10.0 but

Meanwhile Q-5L (the L should be read with more oomph lol)

I wonder Super Etendard in dev server maybe Super Etendard Modernise (SEM) standard 3 or standard 4 ?

visually it is at least a standard 4
carrying two bombs under the wing is normally a standard 5…

what device pulls flares from the plane?

i don’t know its the same amount as jaguar could it be the same system i just don’t know where it would fit

did something fall off the jet here?

ya what ever the crew attaches to the plane at the back

thats what im assuming

or i found what it was
