Super Étendard

Super Etendard Instructor bug with combat flaps on // // Issues If anyone wants to help updoot the report I made regarding Instructor bricking the plane with combat flaps above certain speed I would be thankful. It is pretty annoying issue and having to switch to full controls with no instructor in rb isn’t greatest solution.


decided I wanted to try to play the SE, played about 5(ish) matches thinking that rank 4 missiles wouldn’t be too bad right?
I gave up, the stock grind is miserable and so is the jet

Super Étendard msierable? In which world?

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As much as I love the SuE as an aircraft, I’d rather just wait for a SEM 5 to come than play a gimped SEM 4. 10.0 hasn’t ever really needed an attack aircraft for France, namely because a 10.0 ground line up doesn’t exist.

Then you look at the next viable ground line up, and that’s 11.7, and at that point you have so many other options that are just better than a SEM 4, Mirage 2000-5F, 2000D, 4000, even the Jaguar A is still viable at top tier even if it doesn’t have a thermal pod. The only way you’ll ever use the SuE in a line up is by uptiering the 9.3s and 9.7s to 10.0 just to bring a single aircraft which just isn’t worth it. Least with the SEM 5 it’ll be another somewhat viable option since you do have the Damocles pod, Magic IIs, and AS-30Ls since Gaijin can’t use the excuse of balance to not give a SEM 5 it’s proper weaponry, least that’s the hope…


I guess the main problem comes down to how saturated France is with CAS aircraft at higher tiers for what little ground line ups they have for em. But if they did give the SEM 4 at the very least it’s AS-30Ls I think I would probably happily uptier my 9.3s and 9.7s due to how effective it is compared to guided bombs on a subsonic airframe…

I use it along with the Tiger HAP in a 10.0 line-up, along wit the VBCI, the AMX-40, the AMX-32 (120), the Roland, and the Santal. I eagerly await them adding an actual tech tree IFV like the AMX-10RCR T40 at 10.0 to bolster the line-up and replace some 9.3 vehicles.

SEM works amazing, one of my favorite CAS planes.

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Yes, in the game the Super Etendard is miserable because he suffers from not having an Anemone radar with abilities he had IRL. He suffers from not having the weaponry he had IRL. Finally, it suffers from numerous graphics bugs that have not yet been resolved. Yes the Super Etendard in this game is miserable

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the world where its able to uptier to 11.0 without stock missiles ☺ (~60k rp minimum including the actual missile rp cost to get missiles)

As long as you get lucky in the first few matches and get the counteremasures fast you just have to gun the enemy. Teh flight performance is lovely.

Hiya lads,
I’ve got a question for yous about the Agave radar, which if memory serves was fitted to the Super Etendard. My question is can the radar provide continuous wave illumination?

Basically CW for Air-Sea (Exocet AM.39) // Air-Ground mode (also a possibility)

The Air-Air modes is somewhat similar to the one on Etendard IVM - Radar Aïda 2 from EMD (Electronique Marcel Dassault), but his derived from Cyrano IV Thomso-CSF (known as Thales today) of Mirage F.1 → the later using a PSIC method (basically CW).

The Agave Air-Air radar is able to slave Magic’s to target → but Magic-2 (which is not on the Super Étendard for Gaijin reasons) worked (IRL of course,… not in game) as a Poor man IRST systems, by searching ennemies by itself, within it’s detection cone (basically 90° cone // +/-45° if you prefer)

The Anemone Radar, following variant on the same aircraft, was completely capable of slaving and had a new antenna making the Anemone able to reach twice the range of the AGAVE.

On SEM both radars were commonly exchanged as the Anemone Radar was built to 46 exemplary,… so for maintenance of Anemone, an Agave was replacing it in the nose.

The Radar in game currently is worthless, since Magic-2 is unoperable and that Magic-1 works as good when unslaved ^^"

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Because it wouldn’t be 10.0 with Magic II’s.

They can always add another sub-variant with magic II’s and a more modern TGP at a higher BR, but then the Mirage 2KD would still supersede it anyway.

Also, I feel like the radar in game is dogshit. It keeps locking onto IA ground targets, and can’t locate a flying A6E TRAM 10km in front and above me.

And i don’t care about it being 10.0.

Well you aren’t the only super etendard player.

Etendard IVM is a capable for 9.3, Super Etendard is capable for 10.7/11.0 if it was not artificially nerfed on weaponnary


Its a CAS strike fighter. Would mean using it with the 11.7 tanks where the Mirage 2KD immediately supersedes it.

On the otherhand, the 10.0 lineup is very fun.


CW is not PSIC.
PSIC is just a radar mode and CW is waveform. Apples to oranges.
PSIC is STT and PSID is “TWS”. Waveform is definitely pulsed for Air-Sea in the agave/anemone/exocet, dunno which method it uses to detect and track targets.


They can still implement a late version but someone has to make a suggestion I guess.

That’s not a feel, it doesn’t do Air-Air as of now, only in ACM mode can you get a lock, and that’s not a guarantee.