Super Étendard


Germany TT need it

I guess Super Etendard Modernise Standard 5 could add between Mirage F1CT and Mirage 2000D-R1

But I think Super Etendard Modernise Standard 5 mounted and access Magic II but Super Etendard Modernise Standard 4 in dev server never access it


Why Germany lmao, it doesn’t have anything common with Germany so definitly no, wehraboo have already thé french amx 13 105 turret when France doesn’t have it
Why not a french premium for the argentinian Super etendard but not for germany

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No IRCCM only modification for the dragcoef and the locks : Matra Super 530D air-to-air missiles :

  • Mass After Booster Burn : 235.45 → 234 kg
  • Mass After Sustainer Burn : 180 → 171.5 kg
  • Booster Force : 38000 → 38700 N
  • Sustainer Force : 17000 → 16800 N
  • Guidance :
  • Removed Delay = 0.5 s
  • Proportional Navigation Multiplier : 3.75 → 4
  • PID derivative term : 0.0006 → 0.0012

Matra R550 Magic 1 air-to-air missiles, Matra R550 Magic 2 air-to-air missiles :

  • Drag Coef : 3.1 → 2.8
  • Guidance : IR Seeker :
  • Max Lock Angle : 17 → 45°
  • Gimbal Limit : 40 → 45°

it hasn’t been added yet

Argentinian vehicule already were implemented to german TT.

That’s why.

Maybe but non, argentinian vehicle implemented arn’t 100% french

Well sadly for you,… that’s not the designer nationality that counts, but the user

Check out all nation and give me one exemple which don’t follow that rule

DB7 for England for example
SK105 in France

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Those were added far before the French TT was even a project,… same as Merkavas then

No french TT already existing when SK105 came
You have the IAR for the french heli TT

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There is no “one” logic among developers when it comes to implementing vehicles. Do not look for it, because there is not. Simply Germany needs it and Argentina has it. SUE or SEM currently makes more sense in Germany than the Swiss-flagged British Hunter. However, now the Swiss have representation in WT.

The Super Étendar in the German TT makes as much sense as the Kurassier in the same nation.
The Austrian kurassier went to France because she needed him (besides the Jacobin complaints). If Gaijin had wanted to give Germany an Austrian kurassier, he would give it to them with an Austrian flag, but it was not like that. It was with the Argentine flag because Argentine vehicles go there, confirmed by the gaijins several times. Currently, I don’t see any reason for Germany not to receive the SUE, it is an iconic aircraft for the Argentines and Germany urgently needs CAs aircraft in the medium ranges.

I agree and disagree in the same time : Germany doesn’t suffer of lacking vehicles in their Line-up but France yes (for example SEM haven’t any Line-up AT 10.0), dors Germany need a light tank with french turret (DF105) ? The answer is no but France need it but didn’t recieve the AMX13-105, same as IFV, the only one is premium. If you continue to approuved the addition of french technology in other TT (like Germany or Sweden for example), it encourage gaijin to add less things for France and we need to fight against this, it’s that the point !


France have been added to UK before France was added as full TT

And as Israel have been added to USA before being added as Full TT.

Other nations are not shared into different TT.

SK-105 is a full austrian program, with a reported piece of french tech in it, which is only bought and integrated to it

The austrians aren’t added to German TT, but in French one.

DF-105 in German TT have a similar story.

And about fighting for french TT:
See how many USA/Russian tech are added to every TT?

The problem ain’t there.

Gaijin made a lot of development, but when they can use 1 vehicule for multiple aircrafts, they will do it,… there for it add interest for french TT to see French Tech in other TT as French.

The problem with SK-105 // DF-105 is that the Hull is not French,… and those programs didn’t required French to retrofit those turrets,… those turrets only are bought.


The issue with the SK-105 was never about it’s nationality, it’s the same as the issue with the DF-105.
Both France and germany had a claim in the vehicle, in both case there was equal claim, but only germany was going to receive it in spite of it.

People couldn’t care less wether it was the Austrian or Argentinian vehicle to the french TT, people cared that they would receive nothing when all that was needed was a copy paste. And that was to reason, cause told that France would receive it’s own FL-12 vehicle and we have yet to see it’s color.

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I understand your point and I agree, in part.

I do not agree that Germany does not need airplanes in the postwar period, she will always need them. I understand that historically German cold war aviation was very limited, but there were developments in Argentina with a lot of German participation until the 1990s, on the ground and in the air, so it is not crazy to think that Germany could obtain Argentine aircraft or that they were Used by the Argentines. In fact, of the current nations, the best candidate to receive Argentine vehicles is Germany, because it was with the only country that there was technology transfer and shared development.

Super Étendard is a wonderful plane, we love it as much as you, we went to war with them and I would love it (and thousands of Argentines who play WT) to be able to put together Argentine lineups, and incidentally, strengthen the German TT.

In the case of the Kurassier, it only has the French gun (imagine all the L7 105mm going to the British TT) or the Merkavas with MTU going to the German TT.

The Austrian Kurassier should not be in the French TT (unless Gaijin wants to give more representation to Austria, which I respect 100%). Instead of the SK105, France, legitimately speaking, made more sense that it would have received the DF105.

Either way, it doesn’t seem fair to me that if the French players don’t get something they think they should, they punish each other for their frustrations. Already for frustrations, no one more frustrated than those who grind the German air TT. I’m still waiting for my beloved Alpha Jet (and for France too).

I will just say that it would be great to have this beautiful plane in the German TT without thinking about whether France or Germany receive the same or less from each other.


But who are at the origin and made this frustration ? It’s gaijin and this devteam not the players, it’s totally normal if french players are angry, gaijin litteraly punish their and their are hundreds of proof for confirm that gaijin hate France, no other nation have the same treatment than France in the game

I understand you, maybe Gaijin is partly to blame.

Perhaps Gaijin and also some people, do not understand yet that both the French TT and the German TT go beyond the French and German ones and their historical disputes. Millions of people around the world play WT and play with these and other nations. In fact, at this point, we could not even think that WT is about national technological trees (of a specific nation) since in each TT you will find technologies from other nations. The USA and USSR are invading all the TTs with their technology, and it is not illogical to think that it is good, in fact, c&p. Copy paste stopped being something frowned upon a long time ago. What we have today is a new format of national TTs with plus (+). They should be called Sweden+, UK+, Italy+. I stop here, otherwise we will derail the train.

I was delighted with the announcement that the Super Etendard was coming into game. Since discovering the plane on the dev server and reading certain messages from the staff, I have been rather worried about the characteristics of the plane that will be available to us…
Which version of the Super Etendard will be offered in game? what standard? Why model an aircraft and offer equipment that does not correspond to the particular standard of the aircraft?