Super Étendard

Personally I prefer the AS-30Ls, I’ve always found them more reliable. But even then, it’s the same sort of thing all over again, SuE only carries 2 AS-30Ls max, meanwhile something like the A-10A early at the same BR can carry 6 Mavericks… AS-30Ls shouldn’t necessarily result in a BR increase. I mean hell, the Su-25K carries up to 6 laser guided missiles as well… Like what’s usual the minor nation gets the shaft while the majors get stuff that’s denied to minor nations despite being equal BRs.


I’m trying to view from gaijin’s perspective because no matter what we think of the missile gaijin will still think its more capable than other nations. Similar to pre buff magic 2 being massively overrated when compared in my opinion to 4 aim9L at 10.3 but now that magic 2 is getting buffed, I just don’t think its worth the br increase that gaijin would give it because of what they think of the missile.

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it’s just outrageous to nerf a SEM std 4 to reduce the capabilities this plane had just for a BR.
A BR changes it seems to me
Gaijin could very well make a SUE with a payload of classic bombs (much more than the capacity of the Etd IVM) and magic 1.
The “vision” of the devs about French armament is confirmed once again with this poor Super Etendard🙄

Personally, I don’t mind separating versions for super etendard.

Maybe we can get a “final” "final verison with all the equipments (magic 2, AS-30L, damcoles, etc)
at 10.7 or 11.0


Oh God! let you be heard!!!😅

AS30Ls are too imbalanced on BR 10.3 and below. At 10.3 literally no ground based player can do anything to an airplane with a 30L. It shouldn’t be at 10.0 with those missiles, it’s just not fair. But giving it 30L and increasing BR is also stupid, because then why would I fly etendard when I can fly jaguar, which as an airplane flies better and has more flares? At 10.0 in its current state it will already be imbalanced against ground vehicles. You compare it to the A10 and Su25, but remember that they don’t have the awesome aiming system that allows you to search for targets from huge distances while staying safe. The etendard will still have the advantage, simply because it doesn’t have to go into range of anti-aircraft missiles, helicopters, etc.

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That mean Super Etendard from dev server might be upgraded to SEM standard 5 ?

I guess SEM standard 5 could be 11.3 but dev consider GBU-49 Enhanced Paveway II LGB ?


Well 10.7 seems fair

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There is no lineup for between at 10.0 to 11.7, might aswell bring the M2K at that point.

Its better at 10.0 because atleast most of the 9.7 lineup is somewhat viable

Well, currently there is aircrafts at 10.0 having Homing guidance Air to ground stuff.

The AS-30L is requiring that you maintain laser lock, which is different from Homing missiles.

Therefore,… the A-10A early is far more dangereous than the SUE as A-10 use 6 AGM + bombs, while SUE would be limited to 2 AS-30L and maybe 2 light bombs or Magic’s.

A-10 is a subsonic aircraft as is the SUE

I don’t see why it should be far higher then?


Well if you have both LGB / AS-30L and Magic-II you can’t let it 10.0,… 10.3 is a bare minimum (which is the same as A-10A late)

Thats why, as much as I want it to get its missing armament, its probably better for it to not get them and stay at 10.0

Well i don’t see any problem for it to recieve both AS-30L and Magic-II,… as A-10A and Su-25 are far efficient already at those BR.

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Oh, I see what you mean.

That is what I was thinking but there are no SPAA’s at 10.3 that have the range to take of Super Entendard if it got the AS-30L

Note: Magic II’s will get a buff to its IRCCM so imagine better than AIM-9M and R-73 seeker at 10.0-10.7

Only 2 missiles and Magic-I also is slightly buffed,… so wait and see,…

There’s no problem in keeping a target in the hijack because unlike most other aircraft, the jaguar and etendard have an excellent sighting system that can maintain missile guidance in almost any position, including the rear hemisphere. The A10 can’t do that, so it has to fly into air defense range more often and rely on mediocre missiles that are harder to aim from longer ranges. Also, we know that if you use mavericks, you can’t be sure that the missile will accurately destroy the equipment. Whereas if you launch a 30L, you can have no doubt that the enemy will be destroyed.
At 10.3 the jaguar can destroy 4 vehicles with impunity if it doesn’t encounter opposition in the air, because on these ABMs the anti-aircraft missiles have a range of 8km, while the 30L has a range of 10km. These missiles just shouldn’t be on lower BRs.

0.3 BR is not much higher for missiles with better guidance and kill efficiency.

It will be reworked with the patch loosing 80% of the actual punch.

When you turn away to avoid being in the kill zone of Spaag/Spaam,… you might do it so carefully in order to let the laser correct the path, and to not loose lock of your bomb

At the difference, you use 1 missile per laser-attack, while A-10 is able to launch up to 6 AGM in the same run on 6 different target,…
(And btw, i have 0 problem to aim AGM-65-B or -D,…)

Well,… to be 10km range, you might put laser on target before that and be high enough to give missile altitude to drop from, and speed for initial speed launch,…

So Jaguars have Afterburner and 1.6 Mach ability…
The SUE is subsonic aircraft, and can reach mach 1.3 in a dive,… therefore it’s launching ability is reduced,…

And btw,… SPAAM aren’t efficient against LGB either,… so what’s your problem with AS-30L?

I can climb to 10km in less than 4 mins, and then drop bombs from altitude you’ll never reach.

So your SPAAG/SPAAM are still having a problem with any aircraft over the 2.7 BR.

It is due to similar capabilities and comparison to existing subsonic attackers with higher Payload capacity and higher number of Guided weapon be it bombs or AGM’s.

If you’re unable to see what a dooble standard you’re proposing,… i can’t help you.

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Ooo, can you send me the reports for the changes for the AS-30L?

DirectSupport made it

LMAO you have AS30L on the jaguar at 10.3 and mav/kh at 10.0, this team is abig joke