Summer Sale Mistake

Are they really only discounting rank 1-5 for the summer sale? I seriously hope thats a joke.


gaijin knows that people gathered money to buy premiums so they just won’t put them on sale to earn twice money

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Just shooting themselves in the foot at this point lmao.


they ain’t gonna make s****
a lot of people was planning to get high rank tank or jets on sale but now they rather to save there money go read people comment

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Yep, im not spending anything on the low ranking trash.


I subscribe. I was waiting for a long time for the Summer Sale, even more after the positive changes the game went through. But this is bad.


I hope they realize their mistake and make a better sale for us


Honestly, I’m not even surprised anymore at this point. Between the new shitty forum and then this sale what else could we expect lol


Sadly, I don’t think so.

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Indeed. I am so dissapointed. And I mean SO SO SO […] dissapointed.


They won’t, they expect people to pay the full price of those $70 premiums instead. Whoever is in charge of marketing and sales needs to be replaced. Figured a company would rather make something than nothing at all, but guess im wrong.


I was happy with the roadmap, so I saved a bit of money to buy some premiums, and they come with this terrible sale. They really have let the community down.


They took off the ability to comment on the summer sale page as well lmao


I wrote a comment just asking why not tier VI and VII. Immediately deleted lol.

The rank 7 premium jets should’ve been apart of this sale, but they don’t want to include them or rank 6 vehicles. You’d think after all that heat they caught last month they would try to keep the community happy by doing what they’ve always done with the summer sale.

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Compared to last summer sale this is massive downgrade.

Good job Gaijin, you are really on a roll … the May economy update was massive success loved by all, new forum is absolute pinacle of awesomeness that absolutely no one complains about and now the Summer Sale is better than ever, I’m sure the marketing geniuses you employ really did their best with this masterpiece … and the timing couldn’t be better. I’m sure this will be universaly praised and even if not, why worry, right now you certainly have plenty of community good will banked. Right?



Did the sale affect Tech Tree vehicles?

Thank you Gaijin for today’s roadmap changes and for making me save my money on this disappointing sale. 💸💸💸


Brief history of the last two months in this game:

gaijin - we are going to fine tune the game economy in the next patch.
players - noooo!! , boycott!! 4817401 negative messages on steam.
gaijin - don’t worry, we care about you, we think of you and we are transparent, we are going to draw up a roadmap, there will be changes, many good changes because we listen to you and we will inform you of everything we will do.
players - ohh , well , but we are not trusting , we will wait for the roadmap .
gaijin - here you have the roadmap, we hope you like it.
players - ohhhhh , we like it , very good , good job gaijin , we are not mad at you anymore , we love you .
gaijin - … (this is when they post the new forum)
players - but wtf ? what is this ? but if you have not reported anything and all the data from the other forum?
gaijin-uh? oh, this was already planned, isn’t it nice?
players - we don’t like it, we want the old one back.
gaijin - well you can’t, if you don’t like it we can’t do anything, little by little we will change it.
players - …we still don’t like it…but what about the summer discounts when?
gaijin - here you have the summer discounts, discounts from tier 1 to tier 5
players - …

Seriously, sometimes this seems funny.