Suggestion: remove the ground RB nuke because it is unrealistic

100% but I did look at several of your replays and none of them ended in a Nuke, was mostly just watching you spawn camp

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Not once have I gotten the Nuke and maybe about 2 games a day do i see nukes dropped so what your seeing vs what we see is not the same and should not dictate what happens to the game

Lmao you don’t check my Replay so, i never spawcamp only spawnpush lol, majority of my games ended with a spawncamp by the enemy team so stop lying

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Is the T95E1 broken ? And the M551 ? I don’t think

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Check the replay of Tobukujira on American Desert

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Ya I guess ignoring the caps and driving straight to cover the spawn exit is not spawn camping. my bad

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lol you have one of those nerves sir, look at the map he is talking about, as soon as you are in the center of the map each spawn sees each spawn, and when you are on point B you are spot because too close to the enemy spawn so there you’re really making fun of people, you’re taking one of the worst maps developed by gaijin and trying to make propaganda that I’m spawnkilling but you’re really a big idiot my little one


Capture d’écran 2023-12-02 093844

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my bad, this is you totally not driving to the corner and shooting people in spawn at the beginning of the game. You absolutely didnt lie when you said you never spawn camp.

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lmao little troll

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And? Me calling out your lies with your own replays doesnt make me a troll. I dont have an issue with you spawn camping, it’s part of the game. I simply pointed out that of the replays I watched there were no nukes (you said 50% ended with a nuke and 75% you had 2400SP) and you mostly spawn camping, this is true. If you are this insecure about it maybe don’t make these statements publicly or change the way you play. Also you dont end 75% of your games with 2400SP, I also have 2 easy replays where you leave after your first death.

Capture d’écran 2023-12-02 094605
once again your so-called lies keep them because you either take the worst map, or a game by distorting the positions and the progress or the fact that by playing light tank I should be in the front line like a heavy tank, on this part I put the arrows from where I looked the majority of the time, A, out of B (where I made the most kills), the hill camp point used by a premium Chinese ztz and a kill tank to carry the real spawnkiller surrounded in Type 16 premium, the second kill was done in OH58D because there were 2 players left who were camping their spawn. So mister troll lvl 0 please leave here with your false propaganda.
PS plus this troll takes 2% of my games to try to make it a reality

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Again, me watching your replays to substantiate 50% nukes and 75% 2400sp

to only discover that there werent nukes 50% of the time and you never scored 2400sp in any replay I watched doesnt make me a troll. However I did observe a lot fo spawn camping and a lot of ODL? Why are you so triggered by this. I posted the links, people can make up their own minds. As I said I dont have an issue with your play, only your gross exaggerations of what actually occurs in them.

You must be one of those exceptional players. Just because you are better doesn’t mean everyone can perform like you. Getting nuke might be easy for you but that doesn’t apply to everyone.

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Yes 2 games with my mates Tobukujira who stream on twitch and want to left after one death. the rest of the time when I play solo I always take out at least 3 tanks if I die and instead watch the games on the date I wrote and watch the twitch broadcasts of certain people that same day because yes it was really the case after gaijin’s it’s fixed, indeed yesterday there was none and as I mentioned above if you had read there are 3 possible solutions: 1 gaijin once again modified something by correcting one other or 2 the algorithm shit on me or 3 there was a usebug that day that day corrected since yesterday because yesterday the spawnpoints were new normal

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You dont need to justify yourself to me, I’m simply making observations that empirically contradict your claim. No issues with what you do, only what you claimed

I think it’s you who has a mental problem, you are level 0 and come comment to spread fake news, in any case I am done responding to your false slanderous insinuations, I leave you to your needs oversized ego

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I also watched some of these replays, also I didn’t see nuke yesterday but I didn’t see the famous so-called spawnkill situations on his part either. According to these stats he is a very good player, there may have been a bad luck on one day because it is possible with bad luck to have several games in a row with nukes but in any case you show bad faith and actually spread false or at least erroneous information


So that’s why you just took it private just now? I haven’t seen such a big troll in a long time

Would love to see the replays if he provides the dates but the information I posted isn’t false, you have the links. Shooting people in spawn is still spawn camping regardless of where you are on the map, again I have zero issue with it, not sure why there is such strong denial about it. Also not sure why we cant get a replay of a nuke since they are apparently so common.

It always has been since I created it…again, me wanting to see proof of your claim doesnt make me a troll. In fact it sheds more about you and your posts than me.