Recently team-killing behavious has been largely increased, pretty much I see team kill every 1-4 match, this should not be ignored anymore, now it’s time to get things right.
My main opinion is TK punishment is wayyyy too little to prevent someone doing it, you just loose some SL after a team kill and you still get RP, or sometime if you scored high enough, you can even have positive SL as result.
In higher BR, the current main motivation for team kill is scramble bases, and kill who kill for scrameble bases, once this happen, a team lose 2 member at least. Nobody want to see this happen, not only victim himself, but also most of other teammates.
So here is my Suggestion:
To save the game environment from toxic behavious, We need to build a punishment mechanic that is harsh enough and still be relatively humane.
–The punishment itself should hit harder, for example, not only take SL away, but also take RP away. Team killer should get about -4000 or -8000 RP for a team kill, that will defeat pretty much all his gain from 1 match, or probably even a bit more than that, if a player team kill 3-5 times in a roll, he will lose like 30-40k rp, that will reverse his progress on tech tree. That will totally defeat the kind of mindset like “I kill this teammate to scure a base, I just loose some SL but still get RP, I don’t care that I still get grinding my tech tree”
–Player should have an option to choose forgive or not, sometime a teamkill is not on purpose, so the team killer does not deserve a severe punish, player should be able to cancel the punishment for team killer. We can give victim 30secs, during 30s he can change his vote, after 30s his option go into effect. 30s also provide a chance for teamkiller to explain and have a possibility to be forgiven.On the other hand, we must also have an option to not forgive team killer and actually get him punished, victim press the button to unforgive the teamkiller, teamkiller lose SL and get RP reverse.
–Teamkill behaviours should have different level of punishment, and set up a certain period of time to reset the punishment level. Let’s say we setup the cycle for a month, during one month, 1st team kill get SL fine and RP reverse as the most basic punishment, 3rd TK we add 1 day ban beyond the basic punishment, 5th TK get 7 day ban, 7 Team kills in a single month you get banned forever, but give it one more chance to talk to MOD and restore his account, then if he team kill more than 3 in a month, he actually get banned forever. After month, who have not been banned more than 7 days get the teamkill count reset, who get 7day ban go back to previous level.