Subtree Rework - Nation Folders

+1, there are plenty of vehicles that could be added to almost all of the nations that have subtrees in game, and the same goes for many subtrees (hell, currently BeNeLux air has 1 unique aircraft and HU air has none) that either dont fit due to both trees taking up a large amount of space or certain vehicles in subtrees not fitting the style of a nations cough MiG-21 Bison cough.

This would allow for a diversification of some trees and give greater freedom for what could be done with subtrees, especially in sim where things make no sense sometimes with the same aircraft on all sides.

Something I am curious of though is how you would deal with parts of subtrees offering little to nothing over their Main counterparts, like south african air ranks 1 to 4, in which everything thst could be added is already able to come to the main tree, would you leave it blank and have an israel style tree?have skins that change the vehicles apparent nationality? Just have the player grind the same vehicles again?

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Yea though with this move the SPAA line will look more bare than a starved field mouse.
But with the recent research ground with heli thing you kinda need to grind this tab to get decent SPAA’s.

That’s the only real downside to this


This sounds the most Gaijin. (but I also wouldn’t rule out there being a few domestic mods or just other C&P that’s not in the host nation to use)

It’s also why I said “shared stuff” because C&P not in the host tree or in a sub-tree added before I feel is fair game to come to the sub-tree(under this system)

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That is actually a good question. Perhaps vehicles that are available with multiple nations could receive lower research requirements, and generally be preferably foldered. Another option might be to make their techtree connections optional once equal aircraft of other nations within the folder have been acquired.
I’d still like to include them though, for the sake of players that want to (for example) play the South African tree, without playing Britain.

I’ll include this under issues in the suggestion as I’m not quite certain about a solution yet.

That is actually something that had been addressed earlier. My current solution is to have a rank unlock for all nations once you get it in one. So through this system if you wanted to research just an SPAA line, you still could do that alongside another nations grind.

It is probably still a flawed system, but I’m always open for ideas for improvement.

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This might not be the most solid idea but you could have it that both vehicles in the trees are linked, IE if you research it in one tree you get it in the rest of the trees, for example If i researched the hurricane in the british tree it would unlock in the south african tree as well, or if i researched say the Kittyhawk in the south african tree it would unlock in the british tree.

You could also add something like a camo link on top of this where you could take the aircraft from the tree you are looking at and can change its nationality by selecting a camo for the other nation, for example if i had the british Hurricane in my linup but wanted to swap it for the south african one, i could just change the camo to a south african one and it becomes the ZA one


I really like this idea honestly. Added it to the suggestion.


Instead of folders, how about just expand the width of the tech tree. 5 columns cannot be enough if a subtree is added. Why are we forcing ourselves to this limitation when even just a simple zoom out or resizing could add like 2 more columns and get rid of the clutter problem altogether.

The past suggestion for this in the old forums even have the nations as “Alliances” instead with the same foldering aspect however I dont think we nearly have enough nations & vehicles at the moment to implement this.

The current roster of vehicles arent enough to warrant the need for the foldering. Sure its slowly becoming cluttered but then again I would suggest adding more columns first before implementing a radical change such as this. I would imagine Gaijin would prefer the current system as well as they wouldnt be forced to fill in vehicles fast.

Yea true so scrap the ZA one for now and make a example for Finland as Finland got enough C&P things to make a whole new tree.

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This is a fantastic idea! The separation of sub-trees, while still being within the main nation is a good way of giving sub-trees a unique feel, rather than just being sandwiched into the main nation’s vehicle lines.

I 100% support this suggestion and hope it will be implemented! +1


This idea right here, if there is one word to describe it… Its perfect.

Okay I’ll explain my reason why I think that (Even though I don’t really need to but hey screw it I got nothing better to do lol.)

This in many ways will not only would be great but also would be a win-win for everyone on board.

The 1st being the people who wanted there nation in the game: Nations that been suggested like Poland or Yugoslavia or India or Canada or BeNeLux, etc… This will well not a full on independent tech-tree, but almost enough to where the people can play with that nations vehicles or like how one of the image shows a combine line-up Which I love that type of idea, though that’s just me personally.

another being it will leave space for stuff for the main 10 nations that they had made like for example: A British Light/IFV Line-up or more domestic Italian planes, so in a way it makes both the people who wanted there nation in the game happy & the people wanted there domestic stuff in there tech-tree happy as well.

Hell not only that Gaijin would benefit from this and in many ways…

By the wise words of Lickboot from that one Tom & Jerry movie:


Though I only have one deep concern though. That being on how Gaijin would implemented the thing as a whole, since with there track-record when it comes to implementing stuff which was botched heavily by them, so there is somewhat fear and speculation on that Gaijin may botch it though that is something we have to wait and see.

Overall, I support this but I am a little scared on how it Gaijin can mess it up but I am a man who can cope & hope that it will be smooth-sailing.



This is actually a great suggestion, I love it. Great work!

I definitely see the flag issue though, that is my only concern about this. Being represented with your own flag in battle is important for equality. Flag of the ‘selected’ nation being shown makes sense, but which flag would be shown if you were to bring a ‘mixed lineup’?

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That is sadly an issue I don’t exactly have an answer for yet. I’d love for it to simply show all flags, but I can see why Gaijin would want to avoid such a thing.

Perhaps the majority of vehicles in the lineup? Though that does leave the question what would be done if you take multiple nations in equal amounts.

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Maybe display all the flags for vehicles in a line-up?

Let’s use a “Commonwealth collection” example:

So if you have UK, ZA, Australian and Canadian vehicles in a line-up it shows all of them(in battle). Tho that would be a lot of flags…

It could also help if you pared with others who either just have one of those nations if a few(like 2).

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Yeah, the main point is that this would not just be a lot of flags per lineup, but even more across all players in battle. Displaying flags in the hangar is fairly easy to sort out by using the nation currently selected as research tree. In sim these nations might be further divided in their set lineups for ground and a more detailed nation based sim air matchmaker.

But in battle there can be up to 16 players per team, all possibly bringing multiple different countries, with it getting even worse in fully mixed battles. Maybe this could just warrant a battle statistics UI rework that allows for more flags to be displayed.

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Well, full mixed battles could borrow Acrades Flagless UI. It’s not the best solution but probably the easiest for Gaijin.

However, outside of full mixed battles, I agree. I feel like this system would require a few UI reworks and not just the one for the new sub-tree way.

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Only Commonwealth flag will be shown in tab in my opinion


It would be similar to this old proposal for a similar-ish rework proposal on the old forums:


This idea I like a lot for the issue of flags, though maybe not exactly such nation assignment, as tech trees that are already big would be receiving many more vehicles to them


Maybe the flags could just be put next to the username and change depending on vehicle?


You certainly saved me a lot of typing, this is essentially what I wanted to propose but I do have a suggestion to make subnations more versatile.

Instead of making expanded tabs on the main nation bar, it would be found on a drop-down menu of those tech trees (near the Research of Helicopters option for example), of which a related subnation can be used. This way, subnations aren’t too exclusive to a specific main nation. This would prevent UI clutter issues and stay well within your suggestion as well and also hope to address problems within Sim by specific year restrictions of what vehicles appear in the main nation trees as support.

@DirectSupport this suggestion basically covers what I intended, so please give it a look-over if you haven’t yet.