Sideways, I’ve just reviewed this entire message board and honestly all the evidence just points to you being unable to use tactics which are tried, tested and highly effective against the A10.
I find it absolutely absurd that you claim that Raze, who has trying to have a constructive discussion at any point insulted you.
If anything, you have totally misconstrued and derailed the entire point of the initial post in the first place. This was never a discussion of changing the A10’s BR, it was highlighting that All subsonic, including the A10 and Su25, should not have to see EC matches where they are forced to spawn on the air field with every other supersonic fighter.
Just because you have a personal gripe over some slight that the A10C has against you shouldn’t totally disrupt a conversation.
With the heavy reduction in base respawn speed and proliferation of premium players using bombs rather then using their aircraft for their intended role has made grinding a strike aircraft a hellscape as is. Having on top of that the possibility of playing EC matches only compounds the problem where many subsonics have to fly in a straight line for 10 minutes to even get to any AI targets, let alone bases, and that’s if they don’t get intercepted by an opportunistic pilot prior to that. Given this along with the many of these strike aircraft, especially the A10 and Su25, were specifically designed to operate from forward airfields or dirt strips close to the front line it would make logical sense that they would either not have to see such large maps like those in EC or have a spawn which would enable them to actually carry out their role rather then solely be an RP piñata for a fighter.
As a side comment on the A10 discussion: While I do agree that the balance of the A10C is off, it is not driven by the aircraft itself, rather the compression of BR’s around it. This is a consistent issue throughout the game, a clear example in GRB being the cold war heavy’s, which dominate in the down tier but are more often then not, cannon fodder in an up tier. Rather then complain about the A10 being to strong, maybe complain about how compressed the 10.0 to 12.0 battle rating is. There is no world were the A10 would be remotely playable against 12.0, it is cannon fodder already in these matches. Reducing the focus of balancing a vehicle purely to the capability of its weapon systems will never lead to a well balanced game.