Submarines - WT Discussion

Yeah indeed! What subs would you like to have?

Oh boy! Strap in lol.

I’ve come up with trees of 9 submarines for 5 nations.
When selecting submarines, I prioritised ones that were made in significant numbers, presented a technological leap over its predecessor, or had some level of providence such as famous actions. I also tasked myself to start with interwar submarines and end with the mid to late 80’s-ish. I also also forbid myself selecting any nuclear powered submarine.

Royal Navy
E-Class Group 3
L-Class Group 3
S-Class Group III
Amphion Class
Porpoise Class
Oberon Class

United States Navy
Porpoise Class
Sargo Class
Gato Class
Balao Class
Tench Class
Tench Class GUPPY III
Barbel Class

Type U 87
Type U 151
Type IXA
Type IXB
Type XXI
Type 205
Type 206

Red Fleet
Bars Class
Shchuka Class
Leninets Class Group 4
S Class IX-bis
Whiskey Class
Romeo Class
Zulu Class
Foxtrot Class
Tango Class

Imperial Japanese Navy/JMSDF
Kaichū I Type
Kaidai I Type
Junsen I Type
Type A
Type C
Hayashio Class
Asashio Class
Yūshio Class


I just bet adding submarines to naval will be like adding Helicopters to GRB…the carnage.

Type IIA U-Boat for frist german submarine

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Italian Submarines

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That’s an amazing list!


I did consider the type II’s but decided against them for two reasons, 1) they’re significantly lighter than even the British U & V class, and 2) Wikipedia tells me they only carried 5 torps, even if that isn’t counting torps loaded in the 3 tubes, that’s still only 8 total which, whilst it could work in smaller RB matches, would not be great in EC.


And then launch aircraft with it just like in Battlestations pacific.


It’s plane could also carry 1× Type 91 torpedo or 2× 250 kg (551 lb) or 1× 850 kg (1,874 lb) bombs. So pretty useful as well.

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Sure, helicopters with unguided rockets at 10.0.

I think it should be based on equal effeciency rather than some historical role. Sure we dont want prototypes or unfinished stuff but also each country should get “same” submarine to avoid situation like when certain types of ships were added and they dominated.

  • Speed surfaced
  • Speed submerged
  • Torpedoes
    • Speed
    • Range
    • Quantity
    • Warhead
    • Technology
  • Crew size
  • Deck guns
    • Quantity
    • Type
  • Time submerged (if added)
  • Technology (Hydrophone, Sonar, Radar, Decoys, etc.)
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I did start off trying to have them be totally equivalent to one another, this got difficult by the time I was doing the US navy because they pretty much swapped to mostly using nuclear subs in the 50’s and by the 80’s the only diesel electric the US had was the barbel class. I did initially consider having the tang class instead of the tench guppy III but I decided against it because as far as I could tell, the tang was older than the guppy III, and no tangs were converted to guppy III. However, I could be easily better convinced to have the tang instead of the tench guppy III because information is pretty difficult to find and this was only just a quick thought experiment, not an actual legit vehicle suggestion.

I’d completely given up on keeping subs equivalent by the time I got to the red fleet because there’s basically no appropriate choices until you reach the 50’s.

IJN subs were a pain in the ass to look up because when I put this list together, Wikipedia didn’t nicely tell you which class was preceeded and succeeded by which class, so there’s me looking up shipyards to see what they made, sifting through different makes and models, and eventually just choosing the ones that were of decent tonnage, had a good enough number of torpedoes, could go above 20kmh either submerged or surfaced, and would be appropriate in its position.

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I think we need just one submarine for each nation at this moment.

Try Navypedia

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Not much of a tree with just one vehicle lol.

But yeah, I did eventually manage to put together a good enough Japanese tree, although when I start considering a Swedish, french, and Chinese sub tree, I’ll definitely use that.

Regarding trees i did those a while back. Haven’t done Italy / China / Israel though, should do them one day when i got more time X)








Why do you need a tree? In current state of naval trees you cant have anything beyond cold war anyway…

Cool but this is taking into account that gaijin will make era based naval trees and not damage based like they are right now.

Great work! Slightly worried about what the grind would be like but these are some very good trees, although, I do have a few concerns here and there, especially with the addition of subs that are under 500 tons displacement, pre ww1 subs, and dedicated minelayers.

Let’s start with US
No O-class?
No GUPPY modifications?
Why have the mackerel class prerequisite to the barracuda class?

Golf class before Romeo class?

Triton to oberon?
I genuinely couldn’t find a safari class submarine, I did find HMS safari but that was an s-class.
No E class?
Don’t you mean River (or Thames) class instead of “River of Thames” class?

I do not know enough about french subs to pass judgement here.

Type XXI after type IIC instead of type XXIII!?
Only 1 type IX?

Despite making a tree, I wouldn’t say I know enough to judge your tree accurately.

Overall though, very good work!

I guess but even just sticking to ww2, there’s alot of difference between the type VII, the type IX, and the type XXI.

I’d say 3 subs per nation at least.

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I posted this a while back but might serve as a basis for finding equivalents if you want to make a Swedish version. Info on swedish subs can be a bit hard to come by outside of written sources. Included some immediate post-WW1 subs here too. There is also a good selection of unique Norwegian and Danish subs which may be more relevant in the future
Hajen II-klass
Delfinen II-klass
U 3 rebuild
Draken-klass early
Draken-klass late
Neptun rebuild
Sjölejonet rebuild
U4 ubåtsjakt
Hajen III
Draken II
Draken II late

Vesihiisi (1942)

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And Italy Submarines?