Submarines - WT Discussion

It might be added but not rn because the developers are now focusing on the Iranian F14 tom cat and it has some mistakes i have spotted

Getting subs would be cool. Its been months since i last played but Naval is a pretty bad mode with current structure and meta. Retooling the way maps, spawn points, captures, and underwater navigation could help. Ive seen a few good ideas here. On a previous thread i left some ideas also. Subs would bring me back for a while i admit.


Lots to unravel here so i might miss one of the questions

US :

  • I think i considered O class, but got forgotten in the process for some reason.
  • Missed the GUPPY modification, as those are more difficult to find about than basic subs.
  • Regarding the prerequisite, it’s more of a rough idea, and to avoid having a sub alone out of a line, but I wouldn’t pay too much attention to it.

UK :

  • Probably River (or thames) class than River of Thames indeed (although you got to give me one point here : the name can be confusing X))
  • E class is in the premium bracket at rank 1. Now to be clear, i don’t want all E Class to be premium, but i was in a dire lack of space on the chart at the time ^^'. Lots of UK subs in interwar and ww2, didn’t know what to do with it, so i put it here
  • On the Safari class, i think i got confused since there’s 2 S class, one of them being WWI and the other WW2, i decided to put the Safari (probably because it was 3rd batch) to represent the WW2 S class, so you can consider it as such


  • Regarding Romeo and Golf, that’s a fair point, and i don’t know why i set a whole BR appart too

Germany :

  • Regarding the Type XXI and XXIII, that’s also a fair point, although at the time i had one line with very reknown subs (Type VII) and a line which is less appealing, so i wanted to give a good sub / end-of-line reward if you will. I could possibly rearrange that using the post war subs though. So i’ll look into that

One of the main problem i had while making this is that there’s a lot, and i mean a lot of submarines in total, probably even more than individual blue water ships, which means i had to sort them into class for it to fit. Variants and individual vehicle / classes got sometimes forgotten or mixed up in the process unfortunately

Will update the trees with your remarks soon !

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It’s like, the one weapons system that most countries with a navy are still developing domestically lol. It gets very complicated very quick.

Also, amphion, porpoise, & Oberon all at 5.0 and not even in the same line?

Lol. The only issue is the current naval mode, but that one is in need of a makeover anyway


nope lol. Especially since even most battleships in wt also get planes with bombs capable of killing subs


you must never have played naval lol


Cool Surcouf picture


Torpedoes are part of naval warfare whether you like it or not. Many important ships were sunk by torpedoes.


They’re also immensely satisfying. :D



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I need this XD


Israeli Subs?

I’m going to make the argument:

Absolutely not for WW2,
Perhaps for early Cold War DE Boats (at best, the garbage wire guided weapons)
Absolutely not for Modern Day SSNs/weapon systems

And add counterplays.
So Helis. (let me scoot around in my Wasp or Sea King)
Standoff weapons. So ASROC, Silex, Ikara, etc. (wait why’s there a smoke trail from that Kriv- OH BALLS)

Otherwise the whole thing would be hideously unbalanced, unless you start doing Sub PvP/PvE mission modes and make rewards worthwhile

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So many guys and only one toilet .No thanks

In 1945 a uboat was lost due to a malfunctional toilet…


The whole thing stinks : )

I read Das Boot by by Lothar Gunther Buchheim years ago and I think in that book he said the Type VII had two toilets but the one was always used for stores so wasn’t available until the end of the patrol.

That is assuming I even identified the craft in your photo correctly ,It’s been a very long time since my Silent Hunter days and major sub interest. : )

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Yeah, thats quite correct. And you still haveva good eye, it is indeed a Type VII, my personal favourite

Yeah, Silent Hunter is great

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They went with the same buying spirit as with tanks and airplanes. Bit of a poor tree but totally doable.

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