Submarines - WT Discussion

Sorry for later response, but I sat on this for a while and this is what I’ve got:

  • small map, open rough sea, time of battle probably 20-30minutes
  • small lobby, like 5v5, one side has to protect the convoy, other to destroy most of it
  • no destroyers mostly, only destroyer escorts
  • no 3rd person view, only switching between periscope/observation decks and command room with all the sensors and map
  • no set spawns, both parties can spawn at variant angle and distance
  • you get points by doing all kinds of stuff, spotting, following sight, calculating distance, chasing, notifing your team, distracting enemy attacking your teammate, etc.
  • all repairs are need to be manually attended.
  • you can customize your ships a bit, by adding/removing/improving depth charges, mines, torps, AA guns, sensors, etc.
  • you can then research next ship in line
  • soundtrack and general layout makes you feel you really are either a lone boat among sharks or a tin can in vast ocean

It is not a wt scenario, as again, I cannot really see subs in wt:) , but if I wanted to see a subs centered combat game, I would think of such setup

I think about a separate tab.

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Personally, I think naval should be re-merged into one tab, HOWEVER! it should have the lines of patrol boat, torpedo boat, corvette, frigate, destroyer, light cruiser, heavy cruiser, battle cruiser/battleship/Dreadnaught, submarine, and maybe a carrier line.

The br would be based on the technology and systems available to the ship like radar range finding or missiles.

Not only would this make the grind far less painful, it also allows for more modern ships like guided missile cruisers to be at a br that makes some sense. A ww2 destroyer shouldn’t be facing a Ticonderoga class cruiser.


I agree in principle but the trouble with this is that since WT can’t balance ship types arbitrarily like they do in WoWs, smaller ship types will always be at a disadvantage compared to larger types at any given tier. Only way to compensate for that would be to have a gamemode that gives room for all ship types to engage over the course of a match. Something like EC but where everyone starts with coastal/torpedo crafts and have to work their way up towards capital ships over the course of the match. Taking out a battleship with a torpedo boat could actually make a genuine difference in this scenario since reaching the point where you can spawn battleships would be more difficult and either team would have fewer of them

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Gaijin said for air and ground that with the current engine of the game it’s impossible to have more than 5 lines, so i guess it’s the same for naval.

10+ line would be horrible to look at even if it was possible to make, i prefer differents tabs.


As has already been said in this thread, I believe several times at this point, the event last year isn’t especially representative of how subs would actually play in WT.

Or rather, it is if you can wrap your head around what elements/mechanics to look past, but is not if you take it at face value.


  • We had asymmetric teams, meaning subs had to face literally only the things that directly counter them

  • On the flip side, the ship team had zero enemy surface vessels to worry about

  • It was AB so the ships had infinite ordnance (and silly manoeuvrability), leading to just spamming every single depth charge onboard at every sub you encounter

  • Planes also had AB physics, making them that much harder to shoot down with the minimal AA subs have

  • Subs were artificially limited to a crush depth that was at the same level as max depth charge depth (done for the event to ensure player interaction; the sub stat card listed the correct depth)

  • Sub torpedoes were artificially limited to an absolutely pitiful range (2km IIRC), which in addition to the purely-subs-vs-purely-ASW-ships setup and the same map every time means there’s essentially zero room for anything but going in a straight line to the convoy, for the subs

  • Sonar implementation was relatively simple (certainly compared to the insane complexity we have for top-tier air radars) and was probably a bit overtuned

  • Subs lacked noisemakers/decoys (but IIRC there was a keybind)

  • Subs had no proper player ships to target (battleships/cruisers)

  • Subs could not cap points as there weren’t any


With the irrelevant event-specific issues ignored and the other elements polished (though subs were already surprisingly polished for the event) they could be dropped straight into current Naval RB and work just fine.


Ok, pruning down to 5 lines.

“Small boats” (patrol boats, torpedo boats, & corvettes)
“destroyers” (frigates and destroyers)
“cruisers” (both light and heavy)
“Large ships”(battleships, battlecruisers, dreadnaughts)
“submarines” (self explanatory)
“Carriers” (self explanatory)

I dread to think how full of folders the “small boats” line would be


Could be something that way.

But could also be way to much compressed.

Well, the highest br coastal boat is what… 3.7? The highest br in the game is 7.something. I think it won’t be any more compressed than the other modes if BR’s go all the way to 13, 12, or even 11.0 br

Edit: that said, I highly encourage everyone here to start making mock trees of just the current vessels in game under this sort of br balancing regime because if we don’t know what we want, how would gaijin?

Like UBOAT or Silent Hunter but enemy ships are controled with real players.

Control of a sub need to be simplified tho. Not too much to stay in realistic ibe of Warthunder but not too complicated.

Would a large battle ship have no protection against a submerged vessel in the same way some tanks have no protection against a plane and cause the same resentment?

I dont play naval but I have always loved sub games like silent hunter 3 and might be interested to try navy with subs.

Many of the old sub games did consist of attacking large vessels that had no defence of their own really but relied upon destroyers or dedicated sub hunters to take you out.It would be interesting how Gaijin would represent that. Would they need to not really ?

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So, manually selectable torpedo’s but they need to be simple and intuitive to use.

So, a regular torpedo would just follow the direction the tube is facing and the depth the tube is at.

A magnetic pistol could have it’s running depth changed in the MFM and have it’s angle from the bow set in a map mode similar to how artillery works? The map shows your position, the position of enemies according to your sensors, and where you should lead the torp according to your sensors.

Wire guided Torps could do something similar but they go active when the reach the point you designated on the map.

Whatever happens with more advanced tops, they must have there parameters and functions be modifiable in the MFM

You should be able to aim torpedoes similarly as you aim other torpedo tubes on surface vessels, as the direction and stuff was calculated and “programmed” before launch. Turning the entire boat wouldn’t make much sense

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Eh, those who can’t accept that not every encounter is a “duel at ten paces” generally aren’t worth listening to. Larger ships can evade torps if they’re paying attention, and if they’re in a position where they can’t, they already got outplayed minutes beforehand (a core element of WT, like energy management and such in Air RB).


I get that, I’m just thinking it might confuse some players in the grounds that the tubes are fixed and don’t swivel.

There’s also something to be said about trying to keep controls at least somewhat consistent as torpedo’s get more capable.
Wire guided torps for the most part consist of two stages that I’ll call asleep and awake. When asleep, the torpedo runs in a certain direction towards a certain point. Once that point is reached the torpedo wakes up and starts using its sensors. Reason why this is important is because some torpedoes change speed when they wake up.

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There is no way to know if the development team is working on submarines?

Well quite, but the point of this thread is so that if/when they do start working on submarines, they have some idea in what the players are looking for.

Why? What is the benefit of this in pvp game? If you want simulator where you can select bunch of options, you can play games like that already. This is PVP game and mechanics should be adjusted to it.

No, once you are in periscope, similar UI element that is already on ships with swingable/turnable torpedo tubes will appear. This will mimic gyro steering. Angle will be limited to that which gyro is able to steer.

Acoustic torpedos will use something similar like Infra red lock in air battles except this will lock on sound of propeller. Sure it didnt worked this way IRL, but this is probably most user friendly. Obviously there doesnt need to be visible lock in reticle, and players can just release it and hope it will lock along the way. It should be able to lock on friendlies and destroy them tho so you cant just spam it and farm kills for nothing, otherwise it will be too op. This is how IR missiles work in air battles.

Modern day torpedoes will lock like radar is locking in tank battles.

Here is example I have from suggestion Im working on.

TDC will be automatic. Speed of TDC can be linked to crew skill but definitelly should be linked to era of submarine.


blue water definitely coastal wouldn’t make sense

i think locking the ship might be akward since modern torpedo don’t lock before lauch you will actulally lauch them whoever direction you like with a certain setting then it will activate or guide them if wirered