Submarines - WT Discussion

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ok i create new thread

I dont see what you wrote.

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Could’ve just asked instead of mass flagging them???
Actually insufferable

what’s even more mind boggling, is that it’s still faster than most ww2 submerged submarines

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I am really hoping for a 2026-7 update with subs.

Launching torps from a German U-69 submarine would be so much fun.


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Random thing but wasn’t there a jap submarine that could carry personally guided torpedo’s on the outside? Like a person being inside the torpedo.

what if theres nuclear powered subs, will that thang goes kaput when shot down

1940s batteries and electric motors were… suboptimal

badum tss

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Introducing submarines could either turn out to be a complete disaster or a huge hit. On one hand, they might be so frustrating that the remaining naval enthusiasts would throw in the towel, unable to handle the annoyance. On the other hand, they might be an absolute blast, bringing in crowds of players who can’t wait to dive beneath the waves and engage in underwater combat.

Let’s not forget that submarines have already made their debut in World of Warships and War Thunder Mobile. And in both games they were more of the first thing but Sure, those games lean more towards arcade-style fun rather than hardcore realism like War Thunder. But, hey, I have a soft spot for submarines they’re an integral part of naval warfare history

The event already showed all the realistic weaknesses of Submarines, except not showing all the hydrophone and sonar systems surface vessels have to fight submarines. Submarines are glass cannons that are slow and have to stay quiet (basically torpedo boats), but nobody complains about torp boats since as soon as they are found they die instantly. Similarly as soon as a submarine is found surface destroyers and cruisers can instantly throw entire volleys of depth charges at them, causing the player to need skill to evade.

All I see their addition as is a huge win for realism and a boost for naval as a gamemode.

All that’s left is to increase map timers for naval back up to 1hr like everything used to have, and spawn ships further apart at 20-30km not 11 where it’s just whomever broadsides the other first wins. = There is a reason most of us naval players mainly only play Naval RB EC.


There were a few Japanese submarines modified to carry the Kaiten kamikaze torpedo. But considering that War Thunder hasn’t added any of the planes that carried kamikaze ordinance (like converted Zeroes or the Ohka) I don’t think the Kaiten will be added either.


Just showed up in the first devserver version, a new keybind:

Seems like we might get separate active and passive detection at introduction.


Hopefully they don’t butcher submarines like they did in War thunder mobile, 30 seconds of underwater oxygen to 2min to replenish it to full amount(yes im exaggerating it but not by alot) and instead go with how stuff worked with battle of the Atlantic event


I completely agree

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Me to.



Submarines had hours upon hours of oxygen. And batteries that lasted 12-24hrs on average.


I think that’s how subs should be added to Warthunder.


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I’ve been saying submarines if added should be added with active and passive sensors, plus their nuances, for ages now so this is good news imo