Submarines - WT Discussion

Yeah me too, I played Enlisted just after his release, had a great time on it.
But too arcade for me. Hell Let Loose or at least Squad 44 is better.
By the way, who played like me to Hereos & Generals, back then when this game was a banger?

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Another small change that probably doesn’t have anything to do with Submarines but is a general improvement for Naval:

The AI escort ships on Encounter missions can now move!

Seems like Gaijin has developed some improvements to ship AI.


Ooh yes, H&G was amazing! Now to fill that gap I also play Enlisted. I was thinkimg of getting into Hell Let Loose, but I rather play without having to voice chat/communicate constantly. And Squad 44 seems cool, but I play on Xbox (more affordable for me then to get a pc)


well they could easily add them like the have scout planes for battleships, use the same mechanic

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Yes, I agree, it would be interesting, since like you said it should be easier to make them with this mechanic.

I never thought to visit purely Naval side of the forum before but now I see this! I don’t know how much I could add but I did make a suggestion regarding how their spawn condition should work, check it out if you want to!

There was actually a datamine showing that submarine spawn areas have been added to the files recently: link


Fascinating! Now all that’s left is spawn condition…

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Sinking DD’s is a good use for them already

What ships would “launch” Submarines??

It was about ship-based helicopters

I was playing a good deal of naval yesterday. It was a lot of spawning in a bumper-boat cluster of AI ships while the opposing team is, right at the word go, a mere 7kms away, artillery carpet-bombing. Turn to the left to get a proper heading - instantly warned that I’m leaving the map and will go explody unless I reorient back directly into the line of fire.

If they don’t do something about these puny, inadequet maps, submarines will only add to the exsiting bedlam by orders of magnitude. But I suppose it sure is a kewl category for GJ to sell new premiums in, huh guys? Who wouldn’t wanna drop 80 bucks on a nice, rusty U-Boat right about now?

I hope one day we will have the rubis ​​sna in the post Améthyste configuration


excuse me? you have to be next to the enemy to use a depth charge against them

NFL theme palyed in my mind when I read that XD

As someone who wants to see submarines come to the game, I actually agree with you.

Submarines alone will not fix War Thunder Naval. Gaijin will have to put a concerted effort into improving the game modes, maps, objectives, and balance to fix Naval. But if Gaijin’s methodology is to not focus on modes with low player counts, then Naval will be caught in a negative feedback loop forever.

While it sounds toxic, and certainly may have some negative repercussions, the influx of excitement from submarine players, and yes, any money they may spend on premiums, may be necessary to convince Gaijin to improve Naval.

I sincerely hope it isn’t necessary, and that Naval can be improved and submarines added without being contingent on players quite literally investing cash in the mode up front.


Yes indeed - although dropping them right in front works better because you can hit both sides of the target

Ya can’t put the cart before the horse and expect it to go very far. Such a gambit might net very immediate gains for GJN but it would be at the expense of mid-term losses. And kiss the future goodbye.

Who’d buy one of the many premium dreadnoughts in game when getting torped right in the spawn zone becomes a near certainty? Who’d play any cumbersome battleship at that point? You’d be a sitting duck every match. The current maps are way too small to reasonably accommodate such gameplay.

Except then they’d make subchasers and destroyers relevant, and reduce the battleship spam. Which is a net positive for the game. Longer maps would be good though, but that goes for literally every game mode.