SH-3 Seaking time bois
Let’s gooooo!
haha same
played a game of EC today & it’s just reinforced my belief that submarines are absolutely needed. The sooner they arrive, the better.
Having Subs and and further addition of ASW Would be amazing. Imagine getting cold war era in the game with ASW Helis and Jets on top of cold war era ships like an upgraded USS Iowa. Id love to see naval at that point some day.
Some French subs of cold war seems to be made for ramming xD
Argonaute (S 636) (1958)
But i rassure you we also made more classic ones later :p
Le Redoutable (S611) (first class of SSBN made by France, 1971)
I always loved how the Aréthuse class looked
@Motherhen357 I’m surprised you haven’t posted the ship debris datamines in here yet, or Gszabi’s comments about them
Which ones? Please post them
All those datamines show at the moment is there are possible plans to increase naval debris. Have i missed pic’s or further information that definitively point to subs or is it wishful thinking? Considering that a sinking ship currently leaves no debris or oils slicks beyond it’s blackened hull it could equally indicate an update to surface ship modelling.
So what datamine is it?I haven’t heared about it yet.
Cool, which sub? I still want to visit the U-995, but its like a 6 hour drive from where I live and have yet to find anyone crazy enough to drive that long for me XD
Chinese PLAN Changcheng 191(长城191),in Shanghai. 31°11’46"N 121°29’02"E
That must be from the old Silent Thunder event I suppose?
After the event they are all deleted.But now they are here again.
Diesel electric subs being added I’m fully in favour of, I’m far less sure about nuclear subs being the first we have on PC