Su30SM obviously OVERPOWERED


Fine then lets add this to the game and hope you a wonderful experience driving that

The R-77 is also a 50g missile with 20km+ range? Holy oblivious brother


Yeah, but in game, the R-77 can’t even reach 15 km.

And that’s OK as opposed to the 77-1?

Seems Gaijin realized this. They just changed the data for R-77-1. I would say now its like an enhanced version of R-77. The loadout is not overpowered after the edition. Thanks for the discussion!

God damn, looks like it’s gonna be the same as the R-77.

So… They lowered drag, changed the motor BACK to the R-77’s, and reset the PID figures?

Why add the R-77-1 then?

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Gaijin`s gotta Gaijin i guess.
Pre-nerfing new stuff is their thing


You’re joking, right?

So the su30sm is gonna have access to 14 missiles with and optional load out of 12 being F3 and 2 Fox 2’s?

Am I tracking this correctly lol?

According to the weapon spreadsheet, it’s actually only slightly better than the R-77 lol

Amraam should still be a better missile. Gaijin should add the SM2 with the AL-41 to compensate for a mid aircraft


Its the usual chronic hysteria when anything is added to the USSR tree


Nearly 200 more delta v is not “only slightly more”

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its not aesa, thats ibris. BARS is a hybrid M-scan pesa radar. iirc taking the tilt mechanism of m scans and swapping the twist cassegrain array for the pesa array.

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After testing the SU-30SM for hours, my experience is:

The FM obviously isn’t finished. The avionics are really good. The R-77-1 literally is slightly better than the AiM-120 only due to the fact that it pulls more Gs. However, if the target aircraft is notching correctly he can defeat it. The 77-1 is by no means overpowered. Also, the SU-30SM is a BOAT. I think this thread was made out of pure “skill issue”.


r77-1 is def not the best arh missile, got less range than aim 120a/b in a real match on maneuvering targets due to the drag, also the su30 gets 12 of them to counteract that lmfao, u guys had good radars with long range missiles and good FMs for months on end and now when the su30sm comes to balance things out a bit u guys cry and call it op lmfaooo unbelievable


delta v isnt everything buddy.

50gs of missile pull wont matter in 20kms plus when the missile has no energy to pull enough of said G’s lmfao

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yea lets hope they fixed the damn drag issue

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