Su30SM obviously OVERPOWERED

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I like it when people are calling stuff OP even before the devserver is open


Would be balanced with decompression and more AESA and PESA radars.


We already know R-77-1 perfomance, if it wont be changed - it’s just best ARH overall
And it has 12 of them
Thats enough to call it OP



For stat R-77 should have being equal to Aim120b… But in game is another story. At best R-77-1 will be a little better than mica.


No and no

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You can check the data of the missile from dev stream(also analysis has been posted below). Also, the absurd maneuverability and radar capabilities were explicitly demonstrated in the dev stream.

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R-77 currently in game has a stat card range of lock 16km and launch 80km, yet it struggles to do over 10km.
I would not be suprised if the 77-1 can’t preform up to what its theoritically capable of.


That is true for the R-77 due to air resistance. However, the changes made to the R-77-1 are numerically significant: first, its thrust has been increased by 50%, and second, a large portion of the thrust has been shifted to the second ignition stage. This is a clever move from a physics perspective, as it greatly reduces air resistance and enhances long-range performance. Personally, I would say that in terms of performance, this is essentially a completely different missile from the R-77.


R-77-1 at high altitude has the best acceleration and range at all ranges over any ARHs in the game currently


Where did you get this from? The dev server isn’t out yet

R-77-1 has been in the files for awhile, so it was testable, they’re only now pulling it out for everyone to try.


That is IF it wasnt changed since then


I’ve noticed that many people assume the R-77-1 is just another version of the R-77, but that’s not entirely accurate. Based on the in-game data and screenshots from the dev stream, the only real similarity is that both missiles have an incredible 50G over-G. However, when it comes to thrust and engine performance—which significantly impact BVR capabilities—the R-77-1 is fundamentally a different missile.

If you don’t want to go through the raw data, just think of it as a larger MICA with viable BVR capabilities, potentially extending the “death zone” to 20 km.

Predicting BVR combat in March, I’d say the F-15E may indeed launch with higher energy, but it gets locked into 9G at high speeds. Meanwhile, the Su-30SM, with its vector thrust, can easily evade AIM-120 missiles. Also I have to mention R-77-1 would be significantly better than AIM-120 at close ranges.


Wait until you find out its flight model performance is similar to that of the standard Su-27.

Its radar capabilities are on other aircraft.

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You all are still forgetting the thing that kills the r-77 still hasnt been fixed and therefore it will still affect the new one aka the engine limitations that prevent dynamic drag profiles.

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dude, the R-77-1 has more thrust and less burn time, it’s barely going to make a difference because gaijin didn’t model the fin drag at supersonic speeds properly. stop whining and learn to play the game instead of bombing if you’re having issues with USSR getting the now second worst ARH missile in the game