I understand that the R-77 isn’t performing as expected, but that doesn’t justify introducing something overpowered into the game
And where is R-77-1 op now? It still WILL bleed speed the second an enemy starts evasive maneuvers, the grid fins act as a massive airbrake, its only good thing is the slightly extended range which makes the R-77 bvr capable
Every missile would bleed speed when enemies evade. I have mentioned in main post that from data in game it I outperforms every missile common in top tier. I cannot make a reference here but would appreciate you check that out.
Also I did not mention R-77-1 is overpowered although it seems to. I am saying SU-30SM with 12 R-77-1 is overpowered. I did not even add the radar and vectoring thrust advantages and 6 KH-38 it can carry.
Yeah if this is true, then defintely outlandish to put it in the same BR.
12 best ARH in game(potentially) is already enough. If it’s a UFO flight model even crazier.
Not that I really care, I’m not that good at air to begin with. It’s just funny.
Both R-77 and R-77-1 have been 50G missiles with no change in the dev server.
Oh boy, it’s ALMOST as good as the AIM-120!
Soooooo overpowered!!1!
Thrust to weight ratio is irrelevant when you have a 2 second boost stage.
The F/A-18 carries 10+2, competing with the Su-30 in a far smaller and lighter package.
The J-11B gets PL-12s, enough said.
what exactly is overpowered here? the su-30SM won’t have the best radar, won’t have the best fm and won’t have the best ARH missile. the only thing it has an upper hand in is the sheer amount of said missiles, but these are, again, not the best. whatever datamines people find now don’t really matter either since everything is subject to change. you people will see any nation besides your own get something that isn’t mid or garbage and lose your mind over it immediately
B-but 120s have to be the best Fox 3 by miles :( (obvious /s )
Usual US Mains coping that their morbidly OP vehicle is now only decently OP
I agree with you that this is a complex situation especially when some mechanisms are not clear yet. I got my conclusion from the current in game data, and the simulation image above verifies my guess.
Even we assume 12+2 is comparable with 10+2, what will counteract the AESA radar? I am certain we cannot convince each other. So have a good day then
It’s PESA, and pretty mid PESA at that. The Hornets M-Scan will keep up fine.
50g, mach 4… What’s special about that?
Welcome to 2nd generation 1990s thrust vectoring designs! Glad you could finally make it to the party.
the typhoon will still rinse the su-30SM’s sh#t all day every day, it’s not an issue when russia gets a non-garbage plane and I genuinely don’t understand how everyone in this god forsaken game thinks otherwise(maybe the median kills/battles ratio being 0.6 is the answer but my lawyer advised me to not speak on that matter)
The simulation image shows it to have the most mediocre speed performance there is, with its general ttk being ever so slightly better than the AIM-120.
I’m sorry you can’t have the best missile in every possible aspect known to man? Maybe if you had more time in the game with anything other than Chinese premiums you would understand how little that changes.
What AESA radar? You mean the PESA?
Maybe a better radar… Oh, wait, yeah. Almost like you lack APG-73 or APG-79, as adding two VERY modern aircraft to the game at once would be horrendous to balance.
i think of it more along the lines of how top tier looks air wise, a lot of the better performing aircraft in the game now have at least some competition in the scheme of players the EFT will be better every day but this adds options to a pilot who is skilled enough to push the aircraft hard and gamble the increased AoA and and speed bleed.
but in the terms of hoe the META will sit the Su-30SM will have a good kit for CAS/ATG, but the R-77-1 and its changes really wont effect it all that much as far as i can tell right now.
A 50g missile with a 20km + range, I think it’s gonna have a lot of effect on gameplay.
Fine then lets add this to the game and hope you a wonderful experience driving that
The R-77 is also a 50g missile with 20km+ range? Holy oblivious brother
Yeah, but in game, the R-77 can’t even reach 15 km.
And that’s OK as opposed to the 77-1?