R-77-1 but no AIM-120C-5?

No, it does not. 120 still outranges it. The WVR advantage of R-77s is mostly for high off boresight launches within 2-4 km.

But most importantly, we need to wait and see how they model it.
R-77-1 has a slightly nozzle taper and a shorter burning motor compared to the R-77, that is it.

NVM, right now R-77-1 has slightly lower drag and a noticeably stronger motor than R-77. This seems to make it have longer straight line range than the AIM-120A but still worse range against maneuvering targets.


Precisely. So take your “Russian bias” warcry, download the dev and we will see how good or bad it actually is

My god bro…
Istg everybody here is lobotomized or something.


Typical US main post yk


What have you seen about it?

And… thats it

Don’t argue with them. They’ll give themselves any possible excuse to keep things as is or make them worse for everyone else. Like they did with su-34, like they did with pantsir, like they did with era, etc. etc.

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IIRC the only real difference between the R-77 and R-77-1 is a bigger motor giving it longer range as well as a new seeker to hold tracking better. Depending on how it’s implemented it will likely still be a bit worse than the AIM-120A/B.

The AIM-120C-5 gets improved seekerhead, greater gimbal limits, new delta-fins that give it 40G overload while not losing more speed when turning and IIRC also beter guidance logic so it doesn’t waste energy as much.
It’s quite the difference compared to getting a few extra km ranger and a bit better radar lock.


Looks like theyre changing 77-1

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They haven’t for a while been meta in air


that isn’t the reason why soviet be the only one that get new missile
what about France MICA EM? the one with similar missile of R-77 why they aren’t they get something new too?

Wrong nation bro

They haven’t been crying enough about their current missile being subpar

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So basically what you’re saying is the r 77m is more comparable to the AIM 120c-5?

I didn’t say it was, i was just countering the argument OP made for the AIM-120C-5 coming to the game now. I haven’t said anything about any other missiles.

This is a graph for a target that flies straight at you without maneuvering.

You see how the 120 takes a bit less time to reach its target and the 77 has a bit higher speed on impact? Well, consider now actual battle scenarios where the target is defending against your missile or at least maneuvering to engage someone else. The 77 then has nowhere near the 120’s range because it bleeds speed when turning at a much higher rate. When the 120 can hit some maneuvering target at 25 km, the 77 usually can only do that at 15 km.

That graph alone will not tell you the whole story.


Whose datamine is it? Can you drop a link?

Raw changes
But you can go to github, if thats already uploaded.
From WT snail mine.

I don’t know enough about the R-77M to have an opinion sadly.
Do you have any links to information about it?

Discord? Which channel?

gszabi’s repo has not been updated yet.