Su 30 and f18 can be in almost all tt in the next updates.
For example, the variants MKI (Indian Su30 for uk) , MKA (Arngelian su30 for france) , MKK and MK2 (china ) and MKM (malaysian su30 for japan).
Or f18, rhe variant CF18 (canadian f18A for uk), Malaydian F18D (for japan), Spanish F18 A+/C (for Italy), Swiss f18C (for germany ) and Australians f18A+ and f18F super superhornet (for uk).
honorable mention to the F-CK-1 Ching-kuo which looks a bit like f18 which should be part of the China taiwan subtree.
but why? UK has typhoons and tornadoes, France has Rafales, China is fair game since they use them and they are a tree, Japan has F-2 and F-15, Italy has MiG-29, F-16, AV-8B, Tornado, and Typhoon, Germany has the Typhoon and Tornado.
And they shouldn’t. Copy paste is bad.
MKI is not the SM, and MKM is not the SM or MKI.
Each is different.
F-18s would only go to Germany, Spain, or UK if Typhoon didn’t exist.
Well, they share same radar, same engines, same airframe…
Like only difference for the game would be weapons and sensors
Most of this isn’t going to happen, also Malaysian stuff can just be filler for home tech trees.
this totally wont turn into Americans and germans claiming the British colonies will it?

No, ask for this tech tree instead:

I fully support this Idea. Still waiting on the Jordanian/Omani F-16 and MiG-29UPG.
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No, it’s Americans and Germans claiming their own vehicles
The USA is not the owner of these specific vehicles. The producer of goods does not own the thing they sold to someone else
Especially Germany who didn’t make anything to do with it nor own them at all.
Well neither is UK. And they are still American
jets. So they either just shouldn’t be added if they have no difference from existing one, or added to origin tree.
Canada and Australia are still under british crown. Not Trumps
Canada and Australia are not UK subtrees.
And the F/A-18 family is American, not UK, Canadian, or Australian
but the CF118 and RAAF F18 are NOT owned by the united states.
And? They are still Hornet which is US jet. And anyways, if you want this rule so badly then they just wouldn’t come at all
that means nothing to where a vehicle goes.
Yes, it does. They can also just not add them since UK has no claim to them if the US doesn’t
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