Ive been playing the su-27 recently and I noticed its RWR isnt set off by Foukers and Phoenixes. I havent heard anything about this nerf and I was wondering if it might be a bug
I’ve seen a few posts on the WT subreddit talking about Fakours not pinging RWR, so I’m thinking that it’s a bug.
me pasa lo mismo con el SU27SM
A few in the Typhoon thread said they’ve had issues with the F-90s
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I’ve noticed that it happens … in general in other planes too. Also, sometimes when you try to follow the missile (weapon camera) you cannot, like it disappears. Probably bugs.
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It’s bug that Fox 3’s won’t trigger RWR’s, happened to me both in Fakours and AMRAAMS
Yeah, I have the same issue
It’s very likely the invis msl bug again, No rwr warning, No smoke trail, No visual model, Only a plane killed
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