Su-39 should receive Khod/Kinzhal pod if it gets the R-27ER1 and R-77

ARH missiles already are coming this update to premium aircraft. These additions, if anything, would truly make this aircraft unique, like a premium should be.

It’s just the same poll as the one from the bottom, just worded slightly different now

They are related because when the Su-39 receives the R-77 and the R-27ER1 it’s BR will rise both in GRB and in ARB, as I explained in the caput. The Su-39 is primarly a strike aircraft, not a multirole fighter jet, so to keep it’s performance in GRB, The Khod/Kinzhal pod needs to be added with the A2A missiles.

The radar has weapons to assist at this time.
There’s no reason to bring Su-39 to 13.0 as you want.

Even adding just the R27ET would satisfy me.

Khod is just a given. It should have been on the plane from day 1.

Well, we can hope.

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Now it is “fixed”. I don’t believe the first time I make a serious topic this thing happened.

I don’t know what Gaijin plans for the Su-39, but increasing it’s GRB BR without giving at least the Khod container would be diabolic.

As I want? This is literally what the bug report says. It is a matter fact saying: the Su-39 will receive the R-77 and the R-27ER1.

You’ve read what I wrote?

Gaijin didn’t plan on adding because of it probably needing to increase the Su-39 BR at the time. If Gaijin is going to increase it in the future, adding the A2A missiles, ther wouldn’t be a excuse to not add the Khod/Kinzhal

And it won’t occur.

Why? In the future it will receive them, not because I want them – the only thing I really wanted was the Khod/Kinzhal container – but because a bug report about “missing R-77 and R-27ER1” was accepted.

The container Gaijin labeled as Mercury in the game is the one that Khod/Kinzhal was supposed to be, and that one that was datamined is the Mercury. It seems a bit strange this confusion.

Maybe they decided to buff the kopyo-25 when they accepted the bug report about the missiles.

What exactly is being buffed in the kopyo-25? I tried to search about it but I didn’t find anything.

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Maybe Gaijin did some search by themselves when they added the Su-39 or some time after. Considering the fever with ground radars like new Mi-8AMTsh NV AESA radar and the Orion rework, Gaijin could be considering adding the unique features of the Su-39.

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Absolutely do not understand those who write that kopio-25 cannot targeting ARH and SARH.

The official catalog of Rosoboronexport says so directly, as well as data from the Su-39 manufacturer.

I see no problem adding su-25tm to the tech tree, or adding a modification for su-25t.

Regarding BR, at the moment it looks adequate for 12.7 ARB and 11.7 GRB.
I don’t see a problem getting that in exchange for BR.

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If it gets the missiles, depending on what ones Gaijin decided to gice. Maybe If only the R-27R is added to the Su-39, it will go up to 11.7 GRB BR. But if the R-77 or the R-27ER1 are added to it, the minimum it will reach is 12.0 GRB BR, just as the AV-8B plus, which do have AIM-120 and good ground strike power and is subsonic.

Other thing is the number of A2A missiles it could carry. How much you think it were capable of firing?

R-27R doesn’t require BR.

AV-8B has best speed and dynamics. Has best radar, has 4 AIM-120 + 2 AIM-9M.

I was proposing to give the Su-39 2 R-77s. She doesn’t need four.

Perhaps consider replacing the R-60s on the outermost pylons with R-73s.

Either way, it’s half as good as the AV-8B.

I think a loadout of 2 R-77 + R-73 would be balanced for 11.7 GRB considering 4 AIM-120 + 2 AIM-9M at 12.0 on a carrier with better radar and acceleration dynamics.

But having Fox-3 missiles – despite everything you said about it’s flight characteristics or the radar – could be a problem because of who is going to face the Su-39 with R-77 at the same BR or at lower BR.

The Sea Harrier FA – which has AIM-120 --, at Great Britain, has a inexistent ground strike loadout, only some dumb bombs and unguided rockets, and it sits at BR 11.7 GRB. The GRB BR considers heavily the ground pounding capabilities of the aircraft, and if it has loadouts of the size of the Su-39, I hardly believe Gaijin would think it would sit well having R-77 at BR 11.7 GRB.

We have an f-4 ice, with excellent radar and 4 AIM-120s at 11.7 GRB.

At the moment I would rate the su-39 with 2 p-77 as 11.7 as 12.0 is already av-8b which is better.

In the future it will probably go up to 12.0 along with decompression. However also its premium tank, the t-80u-e1 will one day become higher than the regular t-80u as it is better (probably getting 3bm60)

So there will be no problem.

Plus the su-39 can get x-25mtp if its a2g weakens on increased BR.

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The F-4 ICE still have a somewhat limited loadout compared to the Su-39, with only two IR guided mavericks – which are not guaranted kills, compared to the KH-28TE --, and dumb bombs and rocket pods.

The AV-8B Plus still is a better comparison for the GRB, considering it can carry four IR guided Mavericks and a arsenal of GBUs and JDAMs with the Litening II pod.