Tbh I’ll I want are some somewhat better missles for the Su-39 to give it a bit more of an edge in air to air combat, Im not asking for it too be made OP, just something simple perhaps like R-27R’s so it has the ability to reach out and touch some jets if it needs too(still screwed in a dogfight)
Huh? Edge in air to air combat? Its a Strike jet, lol. Fly CAS missions with it. When you’re up to air combat, use a fighter jet. When you wan’t to dive, use a submarine. If you like space flight, spawn the USS Enterprise and if you wan’t ground combat, spawn a tank.
Typical Russian main they always ask for more even they got are more than enough.
expect strike aircraft to able to fight fighters? heh tons of ground loadout and IRCM still not enough?
well seem they need first spawn nuclear weapons.
Please listen to yourself, just because it’s a ground attacker even though it was made with the idea of diversity and compatibility with many air to air missiles doesn’t mean it should be utter sh** in air realistic ITS OWN GAMEMODE. Many content creators provide information on vehicles like premiums so you can decide to purchase it or not but many LITERALLY couldn’t since it was unplayable.
Are we going to forget that the SU-39 was more of a multirole than a core air support and anti ground? But yeah lets ignore that and make trash excuses on why it should be sh**.
I’ll write a lengthy paragraph for those who are incapable of simple research. The SU-39 was a development of the SU-25 aircraft which we all know and love, the idea of the SU-25T originally was for anti-tank roles but later in the coming years the SU-25TM program came into light.
The SU-25TM was based on the SU-25T which was also based off the SU-25 trainer variants replacing the co-pilot with more enhanced avionics making it capable of doing night operations unlike the original SU-25s.
As the SU-25TM program continued it was predesignated the SU-39 and was given the capability to carry the Kopyo Radar under the fuselage replacing the Mercury Pod or the FLIR Pod if needed. This also came with other additions like the R-27ER1/R-27ET1, R-73E and the RVV-AE.
Why was it given these types of ordinance? Simple, and this is because (now the Russian Federation) wanted to give the SU-39 the ability to engage air targets instead of it’s mere R-73E being used as a “defensive weapon”.
The issue in War Thunder besides the blatant inability to engage aircraft is the issue of NOT BEING ABLE TO PLAY YOUR OWN GAMEMODE which is something people are still magically confused about even though they’ve played the game for many years now.
All vehicles shouldn’t be forced to play other game modes due to how dog sh** it is. The “its a Attacker though” excuse doesn’t really apply to the SU-39 due to it being made with the idea of diversity, compatibility and lethality to all vehicles it engages.
Don’t compare the SU-39 to any type of aircraft and this is simply because there is no counterpart to it
These missiles are all completely OP and are currently ruining the game for everone else as there are no comparison for any other nation. Even at Br12, i do not believe the R-27ER is high enough. If the Su-39. One of the best if not the best ground attacker in the game… THAT IS ALSO PREMIUM AND THUS CAN JUST BE BOUGHT AND FLOWN. Gets the best missiles in the game. Then it would, out necessity have to move up in BR. Because R27ERs at 10.3-11.3 would just be stupid. It would instantly transform the Su-39 into the best aircraft in the game period. For every single gamemode. Soviets have had that. Without fail, for years.
You talk about aircraft not being flyable in their own gamemode of ARB. Well then, i hate to ruin if for you. But thats easily 50% of the british tree right there. Accept it. Not all planes are meant to dogfight. Some, were added purely for CAS for GRB. A-10, Su-25, Su-39, and many others would never have been added without GRB being a thing
R-27ER1’s wouldn’t break anything, I don’t think I’d be seeing SU-39’s engaging M1A2’s with air to air missiles? It’s either they lower the BR slightly or they give it the R-73E’s or R-27ER1’s.
I’d literally screen share 20 matches of both air realistic and ground realistic for you if you believe this vehicle is “truly good” but I doubt you’ll take my offer.
And if you actually believe the SU-39 is one of the best vehicles already then what should we do? Stay static and do sh** or actually resolve the issue like you cry babies did over the economy.
And lastly I got the entire British ground and air and I’ll tell you this, I’ve had so much fun playing Britain its ridiculous, the Harrier GR.7 is my favourite vehicles alongside the SU-25’s and Challenger 2’s and the Challys are absolute beasts in my opinion.
Its the only british jet at the moment that isnt beint totally rofl stomped in every gamemode. The Tornados are too little too late and arent really playable
Giving it R-27ER or R-73 or whatever WOULD result in a BR increase. It would have too. You are forgetting downtier. These missiles would be rediculous at 10.3.
Instead. Advocate for seperating the BRs for aircraft in GRB and ARB. That way it CAN be lower in ARB without being a total menace it GRB.
This wouod benefit so many jets. GR7 would likely end up qt 10.7/11 in ARB instead of its current rating of 11.7
The issue here is that WE KNOW that Ground and Air BR’s can’t be separated and would take a along time to be implemented so we can’t rely on that, we can’t also lower the BR and we know that War Thunder mentioned that they’ve got the right to implement the R-73E whenever they want without notice so that’s the most likely option.
The SU-39 could go to 11.7 and I don’t have a issue with that and can still easily remain a rank 7. A example of this is the Ka-50 being 11.0 and a tier 6 only (instead of tier 7).
R-73s we would have to see, I have heard rumours of a CM overhaul, which would very much be needed to balance that addition (and for the record, I do beleive it is also needed pre-adding of things like Aim-9Ms) My concern there, is that not all jets have a decent compliment of CMs, even at higher tier, like the Tornado Gr1 and this would prevent the Su-39 just sniping with IR missiles. (Looks at the A-10 with Aim-9Ls in 9.3-10.3 matches)
It also cannot be added to things like the Mig-29, which is my other major concern. “Well if the Su-39 now has R-73s well then the Mig-29 also historically carried them”
R-27ERs, no, just no, these missiles are insane at the moment. It would have to be at BR12, and no one would accept that. So no, R-77 not yet, maybe in the future, but not for a long while for the same reason. Bare in mind, the Su-39 IS one of the most modern jets we have in game right now. Just let other nations catch up a bit first.
The only other option, is the R-27Rs. Which I really doubt will be the hail mary you think it would be. 2x BVR missiles on a subsonic, isnt going to magically transform it, but would guarantee it would never drop in BR in the future.
Im just warning you, that adding more powerful missiles, would likely result in shooting yourself in the foot with a BR increase and you’d be back at square 1. As you’ve said, BRs cant be seperated yet. So if you make it stronger in ARB, you could end up making it weaker in GRB.
We gunna forget that the Python 3 is a literal counter to the early R-73’s? It has inbuilt cameras and other things to ignore flares but lets not mention that right?
R-27ER’s and R-27ET’s were the only R-27 series of missiles carried on it so adding the R-27R would be a a-historical thing. If the R-27ER’s are actually that “crazy” maybe the addition of the shorter range IR R-27ET’s could be a better addition.
The R-73E’s is a must without any debate if we aren’t going to get the R-27’s so really it’s one or the other.
Not the first time. Harrier Gr7 NEVER carried AGM-65Ds. That was a a-historical addition for the purpose of balance. (confirmed by Gaijin) It carried far more modern AGMs than that.
R-27ETs, Im not that familiar with Russian missiles. but… The biggest issue with the R-27ERs is there speed, range, G-pull and tracking mode combo. They are extremely hard to dodge and it is impossible to joust.
Heck, they have just artificially capped the range of ALL AGMs, to about 10km (via capping the lock on range) for the purpose of balancing. Even the Su-39. We should all be mad about that
Its an -ER, with the R-27T’s seeker. So for all intents and purposes a very long range R-60M with IRCCM. there would additionally be no need to use the radar so the defending RWR would be completely useless.
In short it would be absolutely busted in comparison as an ambush weapon. Especially if the attacked airframe can’t constantly deploy flares to prevent the track in the first place.
The issue here is that the R-27ET has much shorter range than the R-27ER making it a less viable BVR missile than the R-27ER. At long range using ambush tactics it may be very good yes but in all other scenarios it can be flared by an aware player.
The issue here is that we’ll be getting vehicles like the Gripen next update with the features of Fox 3 so it’s either we wait till September and allow the SU-39 to get destroyed and be unplayable for weeks or actually make it useable and give it the R-27ER1/ET1 or the R-73E.
I think you’ve forgotten what vehicle we are talking about, the SU-39 a vehicle which can’t turn, can’t climb, can’t outrun other aircraft, can’t make aircraft overshoot and is just free food in literally every scenario.
@Morvran I understand the issue. You are primarily concerned with Britain, and it appears that you are not concerned about anything else apart from your cherished main tech tree. As the main of (US, DE, RU), I am not the type of person who favors a particular plane or nation and seeks to unbalance them. Instead, my goal is to alleviate the suffering of planes and prevent any further imbalances.
With how buggy the spotting system is, it might be impossible to see coming in ARB and personally, I only play SB. It would 100% be impossibe to see this coming. Also, not all jets have lots of flares to spam. Gr1 only has 28 flares currently.
Join the club. Tornado F3 has been like that since day 1. Sea Harrier FRS1 still has place holder parts and that was added nearly a year ago.
It would have to go to BR12, and that would likely ruin it for anyone trying to use it in GRB
Maybe. Just maybe
And I dont see how giving it super weapons is going to change any of that. Again, Su-39 is a modified Su-25, a ground attacker. It wasnt meant to turn fight with F-16s.
Heck, Tornado F3 is much the same, it techncially all those things when fighting Mig-29
Im fine with fixes coming in, just soviets have for a long time been top tier. They get everything handed to them on a silver platter. My concern is that giving a premium jet, the best missiles in the game, would be unfair on everyone else. especially when you consider that some nations, like britain, have NO viable top tier premium jets at the moment, the F4 we’ve got is apparently crap, and a lot worse than the FGR2 in the tech tree at a lower BR