Atleast the harrier has good acceleration and flight performance, thrust vectoring, and 4 good IR missles, and in ground RB it gets a thermal targeting pod and 4 10km fire and forget TV guided missles which is ideal for targeting SPAA.
Even then I’d still be open too the idea that the Harrier could go down too 11.3 but let’s be real here, the harrier at 11.7 is still pretty good in ground while also still being useful in Air RB too, or atleast alot better off than the Su-39, so even then the Su-39 could still receive air to air missles like R-73’s or R-27’s that wouldn’t break the game, and it also wouldn’t make the plane more OP in ground RB while giving it a chance to fight and stay competitive in air RB so it actually useful too the team and can actually be used to grind.
The fact that people are insisting this plane deserves to get shafted simply because it’s an attacker is a terrible mentality for game balance, and also ignores the simple truth that this plane was built to be multi role, hints why it could carry more missles IRL. Keep in minde I’m not asking for R-77’s as I don’t think the game is ready for those, but simply that it be given R-27’s so it can actually keep up with other planes at its BR.
Also your wating for the Su-39 to go up in BR? What world are you living in that makes the Su-39 OP? Even in ground RB it’s easy to deal with if your a competent AA player as the planes a bit of a brick especially with full loadout, and like you even admit, it’s just a worthless meat shield in air RB. I’m proposing these buffs too the plane so it can stay at its current BR, because if anything else it’s gonna go down due to its terrible prefromance in air RB.