Su-39: R77,R27,R73

Here is your freaking SU with R73, jesus an event one is the first to get those missles [Development] Su-25BM 558 ARZ strike jet aircraft - News - War Thunder

This will most likely lead to both the SU-25T and SU-39 getting the R-73E so I guess Gaijin thought it would be balanced (like what many people have been saying for the past month now).

depends if the BM gets vikhers i would say, wasnt mentioned in the article

It may, but it may also not. Event vehicles sometimes get additions like this long before the TTs do. Look at the Tornado MFG with ASMs, most tornados could carry them, but none have been added to the others yet.

This Su-25 may also have a far more limited A2G loadout, but due to R-73s still maintain a much higher BR, 11.3 - 11.7 ish would be my guess.

My main concern for R-73s has never been the Su-25/Su-39 With R-73s, it has been that other nations also lack the same kind of AAMs and that IR seekers are currently buggy as hell and needed a fix first. SO we’ll see what else is added/done at the same time

I wrote Smin if he could clarify if the vehicle will get vikhers and answer it in the devblog so people will know [Development] Su-25BM 558 ARZ strike jet aircraft - News - War Thunder

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I’m fine with R-73 making an appearance now and in the future, what I’m against is the potential for this:
MIG-29 - ER-27(Best Radar Missile) + R-73(Best IR missile)
Being potentially against:
F-16 - AIM-7F/M(2nd best, serious step down) + 9L/M(inferior, serious step down over contemporary missiles such as the Python 3, Magic 2(when fixed), R-73).

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I don’t have an issue with Russia having the best ir missile; but I do think them having all of the best missiles, especially ones with such serious advantages, will be bad for gameplay.

If R-73 was to come fully, I think either the ER would need to be removed, or 120C5 and R-77 would need to make an appearance.

As for it being on the SU-25’s, absolutely fine for me, they need something with reach and capability, and given they can only carry 2 I think that’s fine. I do wonder if other aircraft in the same boat, GR.7 or A-10 for example could benefit by having a similar capability, 9M etc…

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You guys have the craziest opinions lol, in what world would the AIM-120C-5 be a reasonable response to something having R-73s?

Mig-29 with R-73 AND R-27ER would be totally OP currently. But if other nations got AMRAAM at the same time, then that would balance things out. Especially if the Mig-29 Didnt get R-77. I think that was what he was trying to say

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MiG-29 cannot receive R-77, it simply did not use it. The R-73 would not extend the efficiency of the vehicle sufficiently to warrant the addition of the AIM-120C-5. That would be the equivalent of giving Americans 6x R-27ER in response to the Russians R-73. It just doesn’t make sense for comparison.

Hey, Russian got R-27ER in response to western countries get AIm-9L, so…

Though it is a relief that they can’t R-77, that will actually give things like the F3 a chance


I thought the MiG-29S could carry R-77s, so the Soviet one could while the German one couldn’t

I hope gaijin omitted R-27ER/R-27ER1 from MiG-29 9-12A (East Germany) & MiG-29 9-13 (USSR) because balance

F-16A Block 15 ADF (USAF & Italy) up to 12.3, F-16A Block 20 AIM-9M replace AIM-9L and increase battle rating to 12.3

Yes, but in game not MiG-29S

Yeah my apologies, i though the 9-13 was the S but there was a 9-13 and a 9-13S and the one we have is the 9-13 so not the MiG-29S my mistake

120C5 and R-77.
Otherwise Russia will have the best IR AND Radar missiles, is that fair?

That’s why I think MIG-29S will be soon.

I don’t think you totally understood what I said I guess

Event or prem vehicles shouldn’t be ahead of TT vehicles.