Su-39: R77,R27,R73

tell that yet again the SU 39 that gets ground radar before tornado or any other plane

Well, in the case of USA, there’s no A-10C for Aim-9Ms. XD


They should when it’ll be a lower population gathering of data.

Is there any possibility that gaijin could add R-73 on aircraft without helmet mounted sight before on aircraft with helmet mounted sight for USSR/Russia ?

Funny enough that Russian got SU-25T and SU-39 but US don’t get A-10C (they don’t even get AV-8B NA)
Also Harrier GR7 and Tornado in the game can use AIM-9M or AIM9-L/I

That not an excuse just because SU-25/39 it worse than Harrier that does not mean it should get new missile while other shouldn’t.

well maybe because busy working on Soviet new toys that why they take to long for US to have the stuff they should have long ago.

sorry I forget to mention it Tornado IDS and i don’t think it equivalent to EJ kai.


Harrier GR7 is vastly superior to Su-25.
AV-8B is still in dev.
And A-10C would be in dev as well if it’s being worked on.
Also Tornado being given Aim-9M would be the equivalent of giving EJ Kai Aim-9M.

Thats fine, it has its gun. as long as the Gr7 get aim-9M though:P

Unfortunately only the ADVs, the IDS had 9Ls or 9Li. Never had Ms unfortunately. At least not till next gen like Gr4

Sure, when 12.3+ exists. :)

With MAWS coming soon might be there already
Though rather get Gr9 with aim9M and brimstone at 12.3 though

Now gajin confirmed Su-25BM with R-73, Su-39 could get R-73 but can’t add BVR R-27R1 ?

Right now it will have no access to vikhers, so it switches A2G weaponry for the R73, this seems like a good compromise for me at least it wont over power in every role

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Yep, agreed. Likely will still be 11.3 with room to move to 11.7. It also wont be spammed like the Su-39 would be. So should be a rarer encounter

Well but Gr9 can use ASRAAM so while GR7 (Or GR7A as premium in the future) can use 9M

Just thinking of not spreading jets out too far. And ASRAAM is a long way off.

Would rather have Gr7 at 11.7 with 9Ls
And Gr9 with 9Ms at 12.3 rather than both being at 12.3, but with radically different agms capabilties whilst we wait for ASRAAM

Though a premiun Gr7 could work. Though a small part of me thinks Gr9 is going to premium

If it happens I’m rioting.

Yeah, I’d be miffed as well. I’d quite like Brimstones without having to pay for them

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I wouldn’t worry about GR9 going premium. It’s a rank 8 and will be added long before gen 5.

What are you talking about ? You lock the target fire the Vikhr a and there is no way that something like helicopter would dodge the Vikhr.
Also even without looking at your battle record I can tell you have never fired a Stinger.
Su can even dodge ADATS while keeping guiding its Vikhers.

I would say typical wallet warrior.

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AIM-9L came before R-27ER, but I think leaving them with 18 or 20G missiles that are not all-aspect against R-60M is quite unfair.

It’s not a MiG-29S.