Su-39: R77,R27,R73

2 BR steps for improving flight performance by 3 times, getting an aiming container with a 2nd generation thermal imager and medium-range missiles - is this a balance?

remind you that the su-25 differs from the su-25t by 4 BR steps and gets the worst aiming system in the game and 2 TV missiles. Well, yes, also the IRSM, which works very poorly at a level where everyone has all-aspect missiles and missiles guided through the radar.

This is a BR compression issue. In a2a the Su-39 is on par with most 11.3 strike aircraft. In ground attack, I still believe the Su-39 has several key strengths over most 11.3s. With the exception of a very few specific aircraft.

R-27ER performs like a faster Aim-7F, so yeah, rather potent.
Su-39 is bad in GRB so it’s not raising.

@Ralin People don’t need to play an aircraft to understand it.
Su-25T is over-BR’d, but it’s going to stay that way for the foreseeable future.

According to the devs, its performing as expected

"Right now its too soon to provide any meaningful statement on its performance. The aircraft is indeed doing satisfactory in ground RB. Naturally attackers are going to be weaker in some cases in Aviation modes.

If / when we have some more news on the topic, we will for sure share it." - Smin

By that I’d say its performance in GRB is neither amazing nor bad. As time goes on, and more data is gathered, then changes may come. I dont think it should go up to 11.7, but simply saying it could have been at 11.7, and with any major buff, the chance of it going up, increases

It appears Su-25T players are vastly more skilled than SPAA players.

Not surprising to be honest, SPAA isnt very rewarding at the moment (both gameplay and economically) so I doubt many play it. Those that are good, are just too few.

This is a stupid argument. You can understand only approximately and almost always there will be a principle “grass is greener behind the fence” (I don’t know the exact translation of this expression)

People tend to assume that OP is everything that they don’t have, regardless of the truth.

I gave exhaustive arguments that say that the new Su-25s have nothing besides the number of missiles. There are missiles, but there is no thermal imager to direct them and sight angles, no maneuverability to dodge anti-aircraft missiles.

there are no weapons even against a helicopter with a stinger.

Vikhrs against helicopters.

I saw an Su-39 getting mutliple A2A kills in a SB match with Vikhrs, can definetly be done.

Having 1000 missiles does not make the aircraft strong if any means (aircraft, helicopter, SPAA) kills it with a 99% chance.

A plane that can only kill tanks if no one resists.

No, Vikhrs will not defeat a stinger. As long as you let it go and hold the sight, you are forced to approach the helicopter.

The Vikhrs will not have time to hit the target until you yourself fly into the 6 km zone (because you have to look at the target you are shooting at). At this moment, the helicopter launches a fire-and-forget missile at you and begins to move sharply.

Weakened Whirlwinds now maneuver very poorly and are not suitable for destroying actively maneuvering vehicles.

Even if you shoot down the helicopter, the stinger will also kill you, because after the death of the helicopter, it will continue to fly at you.

So literally, at best, you will take it with you if the helicopter does not dodge badly or you are incredibly pointing Vikhrs.

That’s your problem - you haven’t played it and don’t realize that it doesn’t actually work beyond your expectations.

Therefore, most of those who claim that the su-25t is cool have never played it

Sim is probably the best place for it.

@Ralin Vikhrs can outrange stingers.
I don’t need to play the Su-25T to know that it’s a superior airframe with superior missiles for 11.0 ARB at minimum.

And I saw how the plane dropped a bomb on the plane flying under it. It seems now bombs are the best A2A?

A solar eclipse happens a couple of times a year, but that doesn’t mean it even “sometimes” works. If you shot down a plane or helicopter with a Vikhrs, it did not maneuver at all.

Sim is the best place for all stirke aircraft, its why I never take the Tornado Into ARB.

You again show your incompetence.
When you launch a Vikhrs from the Su-25t, you must fly to the target at a speed of 600-1000 kilometers per hour. The Vikhrs will not have time to get from the helicopter until you fly 6 kilometers

if you launch a Vikhrs from 10 kilometers away (which doesn’t even guarantee it hits), it will fly for 28 seconds.
You will fly 4 kilometers to the 6 km helicopter death zone in 15 (if your speed is about 700 kilometers per hour).
This means that the helicopter has 13 seconds of time to shoot you with a stinger and start maneuvering to the side.

Then on the Su-25t you either try to dodge the stinger or try to hit the helicopter with a missile.
if you do the latter, you will definitely die from the stinger.

Is it clear now?

This would be obvious to you if you tried it in game.

A helicopter will always kill a Su-25T, because its missiles are more maneuverable and aim at the target themselves.
The Su-25t is forced to frantically try to correct the flight of the missile with its hands in order to hit the target. After nerfing Vikhrs, they are extremely bad at maneuvering targets.

Then no. Any aircraft, helicopter or SPAA 11.3+ kills the Su-39 in 99% of cases, if it wants to.

the only chance to win is if the enemy does not see you or he is a complete retard.
Well, if you balance the technique for cases where the opponent is weak-minded, then the game is unlikely to be good.

When your opponent knows how to press 2 buttons - launch a rocket and maneuver to the side, then he will win 100%

@Morvran said that many were for the R-27T in the short term, but you did not have a source. Please I have it for a long time
page 271


Probably best to submit a proper bug report for that. But dont get your hopes up, still likely wouldnt come outside of a major update. So thats either september or decemeber, if at all. Its in the devs hands now.

The MiG-29 9-12 is literally worse than the F-14B what are you even talking about