Su-39: R77,R27,R73

seriously u comment on that but ignore everything else? you realy only want to see what you want to see.
The kurnass 2000 is 1 plane of many and it trades 1 thing for another like i said

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Same as Su-39 In real life

I have had the opportunity to fly the Tornado, and I must say that it is an impressively fast aircraft. Its speed allows it to effectively evade any potential threats, such as the Su-39, by quickly maneuvering to a different location on the map. This ability to outmaneuver adversaries gives the Tornado a significant advantage.

Furthermore, the Tornado’s armament, including the presence of two AIM-9L missiles at high speeds, provides it with a firepower equivalent to five R-60M missiles on the Su-25 aircraft. This demonstrates the Tornado’s superiority in terms of both speed and firepower, making it a formidable opponent in aerial engagements.

In addition to its speed and firepower, the Tornado boasts an impressive fuel capacity, allowing it to undertake various missions without worrying about fuel.

You are literally cherry picking our responses to further your agenda whilst ignoring 99% of what has been said. The Su-39, IS a premium. Giving it some of the most OP missiles in the game right now WOULD be disastrous. Everyone would buy it and spam it and you’d see nothing but Su-39 in every… single… lobby and all the other nations, without those capabilites or without the necessary defences, would get shreaded.

Bare in mind these 2 facts

  1. Yes, it might get up-tiered to 12 currently. It could also get downtiered to 10.3. R-27 at 10.3 would be totally broken and would dominate everything despite the airframe. This would guarantee a BR increase of the Su-39 up to 12 to prevent this kind of downtier.

  2. In GRB (the reason for it addition) many nations may rely upon older jets for their CAS. Giving the Su-39 too much A2A power would mean that it would just be insane. Already most nations dont bring CAS due to Pantsir being brokenly powerful, but if you then give the soviets the best CAS jet in the game, with the best A2A missiles in the game, you would officially kill top tier GRB. No one would play it.

You cannot demand everything, if oyu want 100% historically armed jets, go play DCS. WT has to have compromises for the sake of balance, and ARB vs GRB for CAS jets has been a problem within WT for a very long time

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Yeah nicely said @marcinel ignores 90% of our arguments and doesnt go into them, besides that at this point many aircraft catch up to the tornado and are faster then it

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You have literrally ignored EVERYTHING i said again.

With no bombs, yeah its fast, with bombs, it barely break mach 1.05. When most jets at its BR are 1.15 ish its slow. It cant turn. Everything outturns Tornados.

9Ls are crap right now, they have 0 Flare resistance and miss more often than not.

It might have a lot of fuel, but on full reheat, it burns fuel really really fast. You’d run out of fuel if you sat at full reheat.


I’m not sure what you mean. The Tornado works well for me both at the ARB and the GRB.
Comparing to the Su-39

All IR missiles are vulnerable to the flares, but that doesn’t mean they are identical.

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Your entire argument is that “Su-39 MUST get OP missiles because we cannot take on Air superiority fighters, look at these other ground attack jets, they are all OP”

And when we point out that no, they arent, they are actually barely balanced, and quite frankly, especially withwise of the Gr1, I personally think they actually need a minor BR drop or a lot of their own missing features.

You cannot DEMAND that the Su-39 gets OP missiles, just because you want a pay-to-win jet. thats not how it works, that is not how it can work. Soviets have the best of everything, enough is enough. 2x more R-60Ms and thats all the Su-39 should get at this point. If you arent happy with that. Go play something else

9Ls should ignore flares if the target is on reheat. They dont. At all… Is being investigated. 9Ls have been nerfed consistantly, R-60Ms are vastly superior

I don’t get your logic. Just because Russians have good planes, why does that mean newer ones have to be useless? That makes no sense to me. Explain yourself.

If you want an air superiority fighter, go fly the Yak-141 or Mig-29, they are both completely broken right now AND NOTHING CAN COMPETE.

I’d kill for 1/10th their power on britain and most nations have even less A2A capabilites than Britian right now. The Su-39 WAS added for GRB, that is what its good at, and that is what you should play it in. If you want to play ARB, then either expect to have a hard time, or go fly one of the OP soviet jets already in the game.

The dev bias soviets experience is stupid and its consistant. Mig-29, should have had R-27Rs, not the ERs. but nope, they got missiles nothing can compare with. Now here you are, demanding that a new premium soviet jet, get hte same totally broken missiles. Why? Do you want hte Su-39- at 12-12.3? That would be the only place anything with R-27ER can be right now. they are broken

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No, it was not, it was designed to carry precision guided missiles for taking out tanks and ships.

It had a remarkable capability for beyond-visual-range combat, thanks to its advanced air-to-air missiles.

It had radar for ASMs, that radar capability was extended to include BVR missiles, but reality is, is that it would never be deployed with them. Why the hell would you try to send an Su-25TM against EF Typhoons, F22s and F15s. That is exactly what the Su-39 SHOULD be facing if it was added chronologically


Skyflash ST

Max speed: 4.4 M
Max G: 25 G
(latest Aim-7 are similar)

Range: 100km
Max speed: 5.8 M
Max G: 30 G
(R-27ER also has a more advanced tracking mode, you loose lock with Skyflash, it self destructs. R-27ERs, dont)

In WT the practical engagement for BVRs, even on a sub-sonic, means that something like the Su-39 with R-27ERs, could fire AFTER say a torando F3, and their missile would hit first. It also almost impossible to notch an R-27ER, especially in something like a Tornado that cannot turn.

The plane was equipped with (R77,R27,R73) missiles for the export to Poland. This picture shows the plane before the test flight with the missiles mounted.

and? Tornado Gr1 and Tornado F3 SHOULD have Aim-9L/i

They dont because of balance

Harrier Gr7 SHOULD have AGM-65E +

The dont because of balance

Phantom FGR2/FG1 SHOULD have Aim-9L

They dont because of balance

And by the time the Su-39 entered service, should be more like Aim-9M, maybe Even Aim-9X/ASRAAM on all these jets. You CANNOT demand missiles that are decades ahead of everything else, just because Gaijin decided to add a ground attacker to the game