Su-39: R77,R27,R73

@Morvran Buy and have fun with Su-39. Tell me how it was

If you buy it for me, sure, looks like a really fun jet to take into SB. But im not spending £60 on a jet for a nation I dont even play. Though I’ve seen plenty of Su-39s getting kills in SB, just a matter of how you choose to fight

@Morvran Are you saying that it is not worth your money?

To buy a jet, intended for CAS in GRB, for a nation i’ve never played? Yeah, espeically when I cant afford it currently. Tell you want, Go buy something like the Sea-Vixen, and report back. If you still want to complain about the Su-39, then go for it

@Morvran Hey, chill out. Gaijin is working hard to fix the Su-39. You’ll get your money’s worth soon enough.

Of course they are, its soviet. It will probably get R-77s and BR drop down 10.3 next week and thus kill the game for everyone else trying to play the game because the Russian Devs love buffing russia to extremes. I hope you enjoy your no skill pay-to-win jet. But im gunna be stuck in Spitfires and the like, ebcause top tier will be unplayable until we get the Typhoon.

Yeah, that would be a reasonable END point, not a starting point

Though 100% EXPECT a BR increase, you have been warned

There’s one thing we have in common. Su-39 deserves the R27.


Start with bug fixes and other improvments

Increase its IR count, maybe even R-27T

and then ONLY when those have been implemented and tried, in like maybe 6 months, consider giving a ground attacker BVR missiles. It would be (as far as I am aware) the first ground attack to get BVR missiles. THe balance implications would be extreme.

The Sea Harrier FRS1 added 7 MONTHS ago, is still not finished, with the wrong cockpit, radar and believe even some issues with its flight characteristics. Its not due to be fixed until maybe September.

You cannot expect changes to come next week, and those changes SHOULD NOT be extreme. If they are, then it would break the game. it would prove, without a doubt, gaijin doesnt give a crap about any nations other than the soviets.


Thats weird, I’m looking at your stats at the moment and you do better in ground battles and imperceptibly worse in air battles with the Su-39 than with the Tornado IDS…

Sounds like you’re just being dishonest at this point, but thats not incredibly surprising, considering its standard Russian main cry strats and you’ve been ignoring arguments that make your position look bad this whole time

@marcinel The SU-39 is plenty of fun, if used in GRB where it is supposed to be played!!!

And i am completly against it getting r27ER, its br will raise to 11.7 at least and rank 7 premiums are not supposed to be 11.7 it is pay to win to top tier, the only 11.7 premium is the KA 50, which was a ridiculous unbalanced mistake gajin never should have added. For balance sake the SU39 can not get any BVR missles

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@MythicPi The subject we’re discussing is that the Su-39 performs poorly in (ARB). I have no experience with TornadoIDS, as I never attempted to learn it.

This whole thing is like working against a wall @Smin1080p could u please give a statement about the current performance of the SU 39 in GRB and ARB, and if it might or might not be necesary to give it unnecesary missles since i suspect the SU 39 does just fine in GRB and the people here are not willing to aknowledge any statement against their wishes that it would be against balance of the game.

Yes and we are discussing that because of its GRB Performance which it is supposed to be used in, it cant be balanced for ARB ,so mystics statement is valid

Some planes are bad in ARB because they lack good air-air weapons in real life. Su-39 is not one of them.

@x_Shini You’re saying that one plane sucks, so the Su-39 does too? That’s not a good argument, dude.