Su-39: R77,R27,R73

I think it also worth remembering that missile like the R-73 and Aim-9M were developed to counter certain IR CM systems. Those systems are not yet in game. Meaning that it would and technically should be a lot stronger than IRL on the grounds that those features are missing from WT.

I’d like to add that Sukhoi has plans for Hermes-A on their Su-25 aircraft, I don’t know if this has happened yet but would be interesting to see on their SM3 variant.


If you read my post, you’d see R-27Rs quite high up on a solution. your right, 2x R-27Rs probably not too bad. Its the R-27ERs that are completely broken right now and they are more of a concern than the R-27Rs. R-27Rs at least are comparible to what other nations have

Should not
Navy Phantoms never used SUU-23 or SUU-16
Only Mk.4 gunpod

Kfir C.7
Kurnass 2000

The SU-25T and SU-39 are 11.3 for their A2G ordinance, they may get R-73s when those come but until we get separate BR for air and ground battles don’t expect attackers to do well in air battles.

You are completly wrong with that, lets look first at other strike aircraft, all tornados do not have radar missles, AJS37 doesnt, Mirage 2000D-R1 doesnt, lets count the Mig 27K as well doesnt have radar missles. The heck did u even look at ,

it is literaly only dedicated missle interceptors that carry the radar missles and their manoveuribility sucks as well, every other strike aircraft does not have radar missles

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It wasn’t a lack of capability, but exercising caution that limited them to the Mk 4. as can be seen with the UK’s F-4’s it could be mounted on Naval F-4 variants.


The issue was that during landings with excessive rate of decent (e.g. in an emergency) the pod may strike the ground and so was not cleared for carrier landings (since the gunpods could not be jettisoned) the Marines though may have used them as some units were assigned to airfields.

@x_Shini Thank you for your feedback. Some OP jets I forgot about:

  • Tornado: supersonic, 2xAIM9L
  • Mig27K: based on MIG23, 4xR60M missiles
  • AJS37: based on JA37, 6x air-to-air missiles
  • Mirage 2000D-R1: based on Mirage 2000, 2x Magic2 IR missiles

These jets are 11.3 like Su-39, but they have advantages in speed, maneuverability and missile loadout. Su-39 is slower, less agile and has inferior or fewer IR missiles. This seems unfair to Su-39 players. Why is this the case?

This thing is so out of place at 11.3 (BR)

  • Kurnass 2000: has six AGM65D missiles with thermal vision and fire & forget capability, a thermal targeting pod, four AIM9L missiles, and various bombs, both dumb and smart. Can fly faster than sound.
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By eliminating the advantages possessed by multi-role planes such as the real-life Su-39 or F-16, we would strip away the very essence that elevates these aircraft above all others.

Because the Su-39 has better air to ground ordinance options than they do?


  • Kurnass 2000: has six AGM65D missiles with thermal vision and fire & forget capability, a thermal targeting pod, four AIM9L missiles, and various bombs, both dumb and smart. Can fly faster than sound.
  • Tornado GR1: has three PGM2000 missiles with TV and fire & forget capability, two AIM9L missiles, and various bombs, both dumb and smart.
  • Su-39: has two Ch29T missiles or bombs with TV and fire & forget capability, 16 Vikhr missiles with laser guidance.

The SU-39 isn’t really a multirole aircraft though, it has defensive A2A weapons however to compare it to the F-16 is insane

The Su-39 cannot produce the speed or altitude for effective BVR engagements and is hopelessly ill equipped to engage in BFM.


that’s the reason why it should have r27

Maybe it could come in the future, it would likely increase it’s BR and I don’t think Gaijin want any premium aircraft above 11.3

@BearHasLanded By playing Su-39, i have feeling like i would play 10.0 (BR) at the 12.0. If Su-39 would recive R27 it would finnaly where it would need to be.

The issue would be having the R-27ER or R-27T at 11.3, we’ve already seen what happens when a more advanced attacker ends up at a lower BR with the SU-25 at 9.7, it’s not good for the game especially if that aircraft is a premium, it would be fine at 11.3 so long as it only had the R-27R not the T or ER

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R27R missile in Su-39 would serve as an exceptional starting point

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U realy missed the point completly again and i thought we already established that the SU 39 is 11.3 because of its air to ground ordenance. But lets go closer into it
-Tornado : supersonic you say like that is sth unique every normal plane at that br that doesnt have IRCCM protection reaches supersonic speeds, 2 aim 9l is nothing and they only slightly better then r60m they can get flared just as easily, about your other point Tornado GR1 specialy as the exception with PGM2000 missles that arent working right currently, yes i agree with that ordenance it could be thought about getting an br INCREASE in the future to 11,7.

-Mig27K: I named this as an exception for russia since it gets used as an attacker a lot, but in its core it still is a fighter and cant carry to many guided ammunitions

-AJS37: i hope you are joking here did u ever look at it? it is an striker in the furthest sence as well, it only get dumb bombs and dumb rockets and carries no guided weaponry, it just is a fighter that got bombs strapped to it like a Mig 29 at this point, it confuses me why it is even allowed to get designated as an strike aircraft

-Mirage 2000D-R1: pretty standard striker like all others, i cant check right now but if it gets PMD 2000 same reasoning with the tornado gr1 , maybe increase to 11,7

-Kurnass 2000: Again main role is fighter and it doesnt get any radar bvr missles but for that the agm 65D missles, which arent the greatest either

-SU-35: Lets compare that to the strengths of the SU 39, infamous model known to survive multiple stinger hits (important since most saclos spaa missles are shit currently and many switch to stingers as necesarity), IRRCM (doesnt effect the previous mentioned stingers i know), but most importantly its giant amount of ordenance 16 vikher missles and can carry multiple tv guided missles as well that are fire & forget. It has enough ordenance in 1 run to possibly destroy a team multiple times before needing to go back to base if not disturbed. Its survivability and ordenance is the reason it is 11,3 and in this 2 points it beats most other planes.

So as you see the SU 39 isnt as weak compared to other strikers, it is all just in your head for whatever reason

Right, gunna make some corrections about the Tornado Gr1.

Its fast, sure in a straight line, but not that much faster than anything and everything else at its BR, and with a full war load, is actually slower. It also burns fuel really fast, so often, you may need to be subsonic or in low reheat which means you arent much faster than the Su-39 when running a full war load. Most importantly of them all however. it has a turning radius larger than that of most battleships. Su-39 could likely outturn the Tornado Gr1 with ease

2x 9L. Not that big of a brag since their nerf. 9Ls are underperforming hard and ARE currently being investigated due to issue with their seeker.

PGMs. Not that good. Not too mention they are rather broken at the moment due to bugs, but even in a working state. They have been nerfed. like all AGMs, including the AGM-65Ds. they’ve been artificially nerfed. The max range you can lock onto a target has been capped to about 10km. (conveniently the max range of the AGMs on the Su-39) and they, along with AGM-65Ds should have a range more like 20kms They are also weak vs targets that are moving. Finally and most importantly, they are not AGMs. They are more like glide bombs. they must be dropped from alt, leaving you vulnerable to SAM.

And should I also mention that its lacking IRCM, ECM, and 95% of its CM compliment?

The Su-39 has one of the best AGM loadouts in the game, Period. Especially with the nerfs to other nation A2G.

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@x_Shini So you’re saying that a real plane with real missiles cant have beyond visual range (BVR) Just because it’s not labeled as a fighter jet? Even though this plane sucks at air battles (ARB)?