Su-39: R77,R27,R73

for you as well @soviet_MoonMan the Su 39 being useless in Air and it needing months to gring out air tech tree with it in ground mode, congratulations you just described half of all Helicopter, they are not able to play their main mode HELI PVE , because it is swarming with premiums like the Ka 50 that take all the points,

Do you know what a lot Heli players do as a result to do the stock grind? They spawn the heli in grb to get some kills if killed leave the game and go for the next match, exactly the same thing you can do with the Su-39. So there is no excuse for you not to do that.

And dont come here with the coming update for helis to be researched with tanks, it still doesnt change the stock grind of vehicles and the how long of a problem it was for such a long time

And you’ve done what exactly? Demand missiles that shouldnt be added to any jet for at least another 6 months, maybe a year because you cant play a GRB jet in ARB? Prehaps instead of demanding they turn the Su-39 into a Br12.3 air superiority fighter, you should just learn to use it in CAS

oh no Morvan is completly valid, if he is offtopic report it and it will be removed

Yesterday I was in my T-54 trying to hit a bulldog with APDS and kept shattering on his turret, was super cool, can imagine what centurions must be like rn.

I’ve send many sources of what can be implemented, I’ve debated and considered what everyone has inputted and assisted on the old SU-39 topic on the old forums. I’m not here because I’m a “Russian Coper” but because this is a serious balancing issue which needs immediate attention.


Yeah no, that isn’t the issue but him just ignoring literally what everyone is saying and just rambling on 💀

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So if it was given 2x more R-60M and 2x R-27R, would be happy? Or would you demand R-27ER and R-27ET, missile that would require it to up to 12 maybe even 12.3?

You are the only one ignoring what everyone is saying

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Thx for your empathy, I’m glad your ok with the game being terrible to play so long as everyone has to deal with it, what a wonderful mindset you have. First of all I’m talking about the Su-39, not helicopters, that’s a different discussion but your absolutely right, helicopters are also in a rough spot as well. Do you know what else man? Two wrongs don’t make a right, pls get that through your head, and stop defending gajjins bad practices just because you feel jaded, it’s an unhealthy mindset.

Even if you use a plane in ground RB and do very well, it nets you very little rewards and it’s not even a certain that you get too spawn in a plane with a good loadout if you don’t do that well in the match. Your trying to use the terrible implementation of helicopters as an excuse to make strike plane suffer which I’m sorry but is just absolutely the wrong call to make and you might as well shill for ever decision gajjin makes.

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I kinda agree’d with the addition of the 4x R-27T/R-27R instead of the R-27ER/R-27ET but I guess you ignored me lol.

Two R-60M’s and two R-27R’s seems reasonable too me considering how it flight prefromance will still hold it back. Maybe even access too the R-27T was well, but we can hold off on anything like the R-27ER or R-27ET until perhaps the battle ratings are expanded yet again and the Su-39 can move up.

The main issue are Strike Aircrafts as a whole, as we get more modern ordinances for them their battle rating will increase and their air to air viability decreases till the point were it’s unplayable like a Pandora’s box.

It’s either we get air and ground battle ratings separated (unlikely and hard to implement) or these Strike Aircraft like the SU-39 get air to air missiles equivalent to planes around its battle rating.

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Must have done so. The point I have been trying to make is this:

  1. Moderation. Dont jump instantly to giving it top tier missiles. It shouldnt need them
  2. Its a ground attack aircraft. Dont expect to be able to 1v1 an air superiority aircraft
  3. its soviet, its got loads of new features that other nations would kill for, enjoy it
  4. Trust me, it could be in a far worse state than it is, most other nations would kill for a premium jet half as good

That is ultimately the solution needed. Dozen of aircraft, in fact I’d argue ALL strike aircraft and bombers would benefit from that change.

Can you please take your childish remarks somewhere else? If you disagree your more then welcome to articulate that but skill issue just ain’t it, also I’d like to see what your experience in the Su-39/Su-25T is

Its a ground attack aircraft. Dont expect to be able to 1v1 an air superiority aircraft

I’ve managed to dogfight my friend in the SU-39 whilst he’s playing the F-14A and won like 5/13 of them since it turns extremely hard in the first turn but that’s literally all the plane has. The issue is that the SU-39 is a multirole rather than just a “Strike Aircraft” made so it could engage air and ground targets yet it can only engage ground targets in War Thunder.

Just listen to me for a second and think, do you really think it’s a good idea that a plane can’t even play it’s own gamemode? How on Gods green earth can you even support the idea of a plane being forced to play a secondary gamemode for it instead of the primary one?

the problem is that there is way more then two wrongs, why should the Su 39 be the first thing to get addressed when there are so many older unfair things that should get addressed first, while the Su 39 is completly valid in grb ?

I mean the SU-39 was one of the main contesters in a major update so I’d expect it to be a serious topic which should get fixed 😂

thats a realy weak excuse specialy since you russia got main contesters every single last updates, mig 29, yak 141, pantsyr

Funny thing is that it also has the ability to mount additional countermeasures just like other aircraft.
Let me give you an example here where su17m4 during the afghanistan war had additional countermeasures mounted which allowed 396 flares/chaffs.
So why is this option not available in the game?