Su-39: R77,R27,R73

Again… Get in line. There is the argument that bombers have 0 place in WT anymore, that they are for one thing only, farming. Even then, they can be a total waste of time and energy. I enjoy flying Old WW2 bombers. But I’ve not touched any in over a year, because it was a waste of time. You couldnt do anything, because you were just immediately intercepted and shot down.

The Solution, is not to make the Su-39 an air superiority fighter. the solution is to fix ARB to be better for different types of aircraft. OR add RB EC. Either solution would be far better FOR EVERYONE. Not just a single Premium jet, that performs just fine in GRB

jup you completly right with that, same reason currently B52, b2 would have no place at all but a lot would love it to be, on that matter a lot people even argue that currently with the system stealth fighters dont have a place either

Harrier Gr7 was the main addition of its update. It was released with dozens of bugs that took months to fix and Its still riddled with missing loadout options and bugs. Heck the last major update broke the TIALD pod if using anything with TV sight, a bug they previously fixed. Just because its a “headline” aircraft, doesnt mean its more important than anything else.

I’d love the Vulcan too, but yeah, I fear it would have no place.

I personally believe the ONLY stealth aircraft we’ll see in game is the F-117. I think anything and everything else will be too hard to properly model/balance. It also raises questions of, how modern will they get? There must be a point where they say “we arent adding more modern jets than this” I suspect that line will be 5th gen fighters. I doubt we’ll see any

I’m trying to make the point that just because bad thaings have happened didn’t mean we need to then use them to justify more bad thaings happening right? I mean com on by that logic why not just make this game unplayable for everyone? Is that really what you want? This thread is for the Su-39 but that didn’t mean I don’t believe other jets don’t also deserve fixes, that’s just off topic right here tho.

I think the point Shini is trying to make, is that the Su-39 will likely recieve bug fixes and weapon buffs within the next few weeks. Definetly before the next major update. But if it was any other nation. You’d be waiting a while. Tornado F3 for example was released with a place-holder radar and took what, 3 months to get its actual radar.

They broke the targeting pod again???

Yep, its Semi-usable, but is a pain in ass. PGMs on the Torando Gr1 have the same issues as well. Also again, a total pain in the ass. I’ve tried them a little, but waiting for bug fixes before I figure out how to actually use them

not starting how all atgms specialy tows are fucked right now, the wiesel a vehicle desperately for the small german line up is useless now

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I know, and I understand that and am not trying to justify that, but at the same time the Su-39 is a jet I feel strongly about and one I’ve been looking forward too for a while, only to see it locked behind a pay wall, and missing some of its more interesting features. Surely in the same way the harrier GR 7 has been held back you can sympathize and understand why we are upset in this thread right?

Also while I hope some changes are made, it’s worth noting that nothing has been said, and also I’m personally afraid that the ‘fix’ is to just lower the thaings BR which means potentially it might actually cause some serious damage to ground RB if it goes too low due to its poor prefromance.

It’s already stupid that ATGM’s explod the second they lose track, but even dumber the the PGM’s get the ATGM treatment when really they should be treated like a TV guided bomb.

Yep, For me its more the Tornado Gr1. That thing is painful to look at right now, Poor CM counts, missing ECM, missing bombing aids, etc. The concern I have, is that where Gaijin is concerned, they tend to go too far with Soviet stuff. Either dropping its BR down too far making it broken in GRB, or giving too powerful missiles. It feels that they dont understand moderation where the soviet tree is concerned. I am terrified, that the Su-39 is going to become the Br11 version of the A-10/Su-25 menace in ARB. and that would just not be fun. The fact that they didnt give it every single missile under the sun actually shows great restraint by gaijin. As i’ve said in this thread before. The Mig-29 would have been fine With R-27Rs, but they made the decision to give it R-27ERs and its too late to fix it

A classic example is the Kronstadt Battleship. It was never built IRL, and no shells ever properly designed for it. So legend goes that Gaijin Copy/pasted shells from a US battleship (maybe Arizona, cant recall), upped the HE on it, and sent it out. That thing was insane. It would 1 shot everything, whether that be Light Cruisers or other battleships, and Me in my hood, couldnt scratch the paint on it. It took a very very long time, but it got fixed, but it has left a lingering taste and even to this day. its still one of the best battleships in the game

Suffice to say, the Su-39 is giving me some Deja Vu, and I never want to be in the sitation again, where the game is unplayable due to a single vehicle being overtuned to the point of insanity. The Mig-29 is already damn close to that point, and a pay-to-win premium like an overtuned Su-39 would just be the final nail in the coffin for top tier SB (what I usually play)

The Su-39 is like a cousin of the Su-25. They look pretty similar and do similar things. The Su-39 is not as fast or agile as some other planes, like the MiG-23 or the MiG-29. Those guys can pull off crazy moves and go super fast. The Su-39 can only do 8-7G, while the MiG-23 can do 10G and the MiG-29 can do 13G. That’s a big difference. Even if the Su-39 has some good missiles, like the R27ER & R1, it would still have a hard time beating the MiG-23. And don’t even get me started on the MiG-29 or the F4. Those are tough opponents. If I had to face them head-on, I would want an R27.

Now Su-39 is trash in ARB. It gets killed by everything and has no fun. It needs a buff now! It could be more than just prey for 11.3 premiums.

Hey, I’m curious about something. You love playing SB, right? But have you ever thought about becoming a real pilot? xD I mean, it’s so cool to fly a plane in real life. Don’t you want to try it?

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A multi-role aircraft is a type of plane that can do more than one thing. For example, it can shoot down other planes with air-air missiles, or it can drop bombs on targets on the ground. That makes it very versatile and useful in different situations.

It would certainly raise eyebrows if, during an expo, claims were made that an attacker aircraft from 1975 could stand toe to toe with the modern F-16! However, considering the Su-39’s ability to mount R77 & R27 missiles, assuming it possesses a radar system, it would indeed have a chance to defend itself. A plane equipped with means of self-defense is undoubtedly superior to one that is defenseless.

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There is sth wrong if you wanna take them head on , you arent supposed to do that with the SU 39 in the first place

Id love to give flying lessons ago, but finances are an issue. I am currently in the process of applying to become a air traffic controller though

@x_Shini The Su-39 is not designed as a stealth aircraft. It does not possess advanced stealth technology to evade radar detection. Radar systems are capable of detecting non-stealth aircraft like the Su-39. Even if a were to rely on luck, there is still a possibility that an opponent with a stock plane or a novice would try to fly on the corner of the map.

You are technically right, but Im getting deja vu of the A-10 with Aim-9Ls that are in a downtier. I hate getting sniped by one in something like the Lightning at 9.3. It sucks.

I fear the same thing would happen. Remmeber, at 11.3 (assuming it didnt go up, which it would) it means I could be fighting one of these in something like a Jaguar, that is just rediculous, having to defend against an R-27ER.

and that is not an issue with the Su-39, that is an issue of map / gamemode design and why I dont bother with ARB anymore. An Su-39 should never and would never charge headlong into the kinda of furball that is ARB. In fact, I doubt even jets like the mig-29, F-16 etc would unless the need was great.