Su-39: R77,R27,R73

go ask gaijin about that then i wish you good luck
really I want to you do and if successful mind telling me how I want to do the same with Milan

I understand some people want the asky and the moon, but I’m just asking for whatever missles might help the plane have a better chance at getting air kills than what it currently has now. I think the R-27R or R-27T might help with this.

Thaing is I’m not opposed too then getting a lot of the features. I find it lame when gajjin implements a cool vehicle but then holds back a lot of its IRL options and on the harrier and tornado I doubt it would really make them OP either, just more competitive.

what is so annyoing is that of course it is russia again that gets the new features, we have vehicles already in the game with IRCM and ground radar, but who got it of course first? You already get all the new gadgets for GRB least it can do is be a bit worse in Air

Yeah, thats what is annoying me most. We’ve had jets in game for over a year that could of and should of also recieved these features, but have yet to. heck the Sea Harrier FRS1 was added nearly a year ago, and still has the radar from the F5E and the cockpit from the GR3. Niether of which is even remotely accurate. But ETA on those fixes, maybe another 2 or 3 months, but maybe longer.

Soviets also the first nation to get SAM based destroyers as well in the last update. That would be really fun, but of alas, no, britain just got a carbon copy of another destroyer we already have

I think part of the problem is that for some reason gajjin hates the UK in particular. One of the reasons I stopped playing it after a while ven tho I already have a few challengers is that they never bothered diversifying it’s ground tree in terms of light tanks and other vehicles that would be competitive, it’s not just because a long line of Chally 2s and that’s it. Also have fun with the now nerfed ADATS as your only AA. I don’t know why but the UK seems to be the bottom of the list for treatment from gajjin.

Yep, we are constantly shafted. APDS just got nerfed massively again. So thats basically all british tanks between 6/7 ish and 9 ish are now boarderline unplayable

the problem is that most nations besides russia and un arent getting the love they need, france wants to have a word about light tanks which they ONLY got a premium variant now while you got a premium and tech tree variant, israel, italy and japan desperately need spaas but who got the strongest Spaa while they just could have gotten the TOR M1 copy as well if the tungustka isnt strong enough? Oh and Israel needs light tanks as well. Germany mostly wants another MBT since 2 years and for their stuff to actualy get fixed Gepard 1a2 (which is missing its signature FAPDS ammo while we are at it) has since release a bug that it cant use its proxy stingers, the Puma IFV is a cluster fuck on bugs and missing features they advertised on a dev blog its 360° protection system, still doesnt have it and many other things. In the mean time Russian stuff often gets addressed quite quickly or get ignored for so long and dominate battles. Might you see a pattern there ? People just are fed up with it and for ONCE, russia gets a balanced vehicle with 1 role it full fills and you want to just upgrade it again and make it so much stronger

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Well said. It is nice for once, to see a soviet aircraft added, that isnt immediately meta in ARB. Mig-29 could of recieved R-27Rs, and it would have been a perfectly balanced jet and fun to fight. Instead. It got R-27ERs and can now dominate ASB at least. That was an intentional decision to give it missiles that just looking at the stat cards for 30 seconds, were clearly going to be strong, too strong.

So dont fly it in ARB, use it in GRB. If you want to farm out the air tree. play something else. Mig-23ML is perfectly usable. If you insist on using the Su-39 to grind out the Soviet tree. Play SB and perform CAS.

@x_Shini The Su-39 in Air RB seems unplayable and ineffective for grinding. It requires fixing, possibly more than the Puma, which appears to be overpowered.

skills issue to me

@ARK_BOI You must be feeling pretty fly, huh? Like a “top gun” ace in the sky? Well, why don’t you test your skills in air RB with the Su-39, smarty pants?

You get stuck on the Puma but ignore everything else seriously? The Su39 is playable just play it right to its stregnths like all others said. Besides that you can grind air tree with it just play it in GRB

@x_Shini It would take months.

If the game were unable to offer the option to pay for progression, it would risk transforming into a pay-to-win model rather than maintaining a pay-to-grind system.

Just like the rest of us have to with no decent premiums

Have you not been paying attention to anything that has happened in the past month or so. the ENTIRE community hates that and have forced massive changes to exactly address that issue.

Wait, where have you been? We’v been in a a pay to win model for years. that is what the past few months have been about. This is why Gaijin has released massive economy changes. The community had enough and forced gaijin to change. But that is still no reason why the Su-39 MUST be so powerful in ARB, that it can what? take on the entire enemy team solo?

Besides, the point of this jet, was not to allow ARB players an easy time to grind through the ranks. That is what the Mig-23ML is for on the soviet tree.

its designed for GRB. its designed to give GRB players a really good jet for GRB that they can use to grind out the soviet air tree in.

I have it and I can tell you it is. How about you add me on discord and I’ll screenshare games?

Can you actually just move to another topic or something, all you’re doing here is denying peoples claims without ZERO evidence backing it up. You’re not really providing anything to the argument but coping and tears.

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