Su-39: R77,R27,R73

Lmao so suddenly I’m not just asking for R-27R’s??? What? Are you reading my minde or something?
All I want are some R-27R’s so I actually have a chance to kill planes at my BR, because currently all the Su-39 gets are uptiers, and all it faces are jets like the F-16 and mig 29.

Also let’s think about this for a second, if I have the Su-39 the exact same loadout options as the MIG-29…it would still be a worse plane right? Because it has much much worse flight prefromance, now yeah it would probably have too go up too 11.7 but it’s still a very vulnerable plane the second it gets into a dogfight. It’s only chance to kill someone would be if you just flew at it head on while getting an RWR lock and saw the missle coming at you.

well i think i never see any GR7 user say hey GR7 should be lower BR
but what they say is if GR7 can sit at higher BR and being sub sonic and lack of many of its historical stuff there is no reason for SU39 to receive new missile basically they don’t need SU39 to have some special treatment while other does not. plus, i can accept GR7 at 11.7 because its CAS ability are very worth of 11.7
ofc It can’t to fight mig 29 and F16 head-on dog fight maybe? but i rather not unless i can’t avoid it

Others are demanding that, learn to read please

“The issue here is that we’ll be getting vehicles like the Gripen next update with the features of Fox 3 so it’s either we wait till September and allow the SU-39 to get destroyed and be unplayable for weeks or actually make it useable and give it the R-27ER1/ET1 or the R-73E.” - Someone earlier in this thread, just scroll up.

Idk man can you read any of my comments about how I play it it in ground RB??? Also like I said it being a ground strike plane isn’t an argument for it being trash in both game modes if it has options that would also make it more competitive in ari RB at the same BR cus this is a video game

Let’s see then?

Until GJN bothers to make the most logical decision possible by having separate BRs for airRB and groundRB (or even BR vary based on payload) then aircraft will be held back in air RB due to the ground RB performance. Go complain about that rather than trying to create another OP Russian vehicle. The game has plenty already.

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Hey buddy, how about you learn to talk to one person and not impose other arguments other people made into them? I’m not responsible for other people being stupid, there not me, so don’t confait them with me just for the sake of argument pls.

@Morvran Hey, do you have a pic of the Harrier Gr7 AMRAAM? I’ve been looking for it everywhere but no luck.

Yep, and this is the main issue, if they balance it for ARB, then it will be broken for GRB, so they’ll fix it for GRB and it will be broken in ARB. So they have to pick one. This is the reason why Tornado Gr1 and Tornado F3 have the exact same BR. Unless Gaijin thinks the Gr1 has the same A2A power as the F3

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the whole thing would be another matter if the Su 39 would be the tech tree varaint and the Su 25T be the premium, if players actual needed to grind the better missle it would be fairer , but no you want another p2w vehicle that is the problem and if you followed the whole debate about the switch they want to release another Su 25 variant at one point that IS better, and that one is supposed to have the better missles what point would have the better Su variant if you just wanna give it all to the Premium now

It was on the old forum, none of the pictures have survived unfortunately

I hate hate hate how gajjin made the Su-39 a premium, since it’s the only Russian Frogfoot that can really do what it does, but since it’s in the game, and it’s doing terrible in ari RB, I’m gonna continue to advocate for its air to air capabilities to be buffed so it a better all around plane to play, and not just only good in ground RB since it didn’t have to be that way.

Did find an image on there with the Gr7 armed with ASRAAM though, so does this mean we get ASRAAM?

Well you just show that you need your premium to be better just because you can’t use it strength but rather you try to playing around it weakness well like i said it your own problem right now

Moderation. That is what im advocating for,

Too many on here seem to want to the make the Su-39 the next top tier ARB jet. No, it should never ever be even close to the top. Instead. It should require a lot of skill and effort to fly in ARB. because its main role should always be GRB

LOL yeah if SU39 can get it missile because of some picture maybe this can be too.

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War Thunder is a game where realism is key. If something happens in real life, it might show up in the game soon.

Its a subsonic jet meant for ground attack. ASRAAM wont be that powerful, the Mig-29s can easily outrun, out turn and out climb the Gr7. So should only be a minor buff to its ARB power, for balance reasons of course

A harrier with AMRAMS seems pretty fun tbh. Also be cool if the GR 7 could get a MAW cus I believe it had one right?

I’m not happy with the idea of swapping my Su-39 for a Su-25TM. That’s like trading a Ferrari for a Fiat. No offense to Fiat, but come on. I paid good money for this beast of a jet, and I’m not going to give it up for some outdated model. If they try to pull this stunt on me, I’m going to demand a refund. And maybe a free tank as compensation.

It did. along with IRCM and a lot of other missing features. Heck, the list of missing features on the harrier Gr7 and Tornado Gr1 are longer than this thread.