Su-39: R77,R27,R73

Ahhh, so your jaded that Gajjin give the UK tech tree poor treatment and then you come into the forums and try and drag everyone else down to your level because your upset, since that’s the case pls get off the forum man, I understand that it’s not fair what gajjin does too the UK tech tree but that’s no reason to try and tell everyone else they should settle for less. It’s a childish mentality and didn’t belong on the site dedicated to trying to improve the game. Maybe instead of arguing on here with me about the Su-39 you should spend more time on threads about British vehicles since you feel so strongly about them.

Exactly!!! and I can say SU39 are still in better situation than many premium aircraft hell even better than some tech tree aircraft.

I’m just saying by your logic that’s what would happen, and it’s obvious not how the gajjin devs feel about the game…

It’s not man, the plane is only good in ground RB and totally useless in air RB, feel free to try and take a forgfoot into 11.3 and tell me how it goes.

IRCM, Large CM counts, powerful IR missiles, Stalanium, good radar. Probably a lot better than the Torando Gr1 at the same BR


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Maybe you should just gett off the forums right now if your gonna try and use personal attacks to convince me the the Su-39 didn’t have a problem, even when multiple YouTubers have already some pretty good videos about how it’s virtually unplayable at its own br in air RB. Seriously man stop being childish

It was a prototype, never saw active service. I could also cough up a dozen western jets that we’ve yet to see in game so far. But they made an active choice to give it R-27ERs, when we have no idea what it might have carried

You are the ONE who wants to slap OP missiles that should never have been added this early onto a pay to win jet.

IRCM and countermeasures won’t save me from Fox-1’s and I can’t dogfight cus I’m a brick. Powerful IR guided missless? Good joke, yeah I’m absolutely dominating with two R-60M’S against F-16’s and mig 29’s bro it’s so ezzz. And the only advantage I get with the radar is that I can slave my R-60M to try and get better angled shots, but the R-60M still lives flairs, atleast your tornado is fast and has an actual chance to reach the bombing targets or run away from a fight, the Su-39 being a subsonic plane on a large map is no fun.

Are you seriously trying to say the Tornado GR.1 is better than the Su39? The GR.1 which is gimped by giving it only 4 laser guided bombs?
How much Russian Bias is enough? You already get stuff that overperforms compared to real life, but now you want your attackers to be better in the air to air role than other countries fighters? Comical.

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R-27R=OP??? You telling me that if you had to fight a frogfoot with two R-27R’s you couldn’t handle that in your F-16 or mug 29? Idk man that sounds pretty easy to deal with still. If anything it sounds like most planes you have to deal with at that br but slightly worse still, since it has poor flight prefromance.

There are plenty of vehicles which are “unplayable” in air rb. Use them in ground RB like they are meant to be used if you don’t want to have an issue.
I don’t see british players complaining about the GR.7 at 11.7.
Skill issue.

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If you take ground attacker for AirRB and do bad well it your own fault
well considering as you can buy your way to get good ground attacker aircraft for use without grinding then if you say it only in good in ground RB well it good enough for it role while for example Milan not good in any game mode. and with IRCM and Large CM counts it better than nothing it not might save you from fox1 yes (nothing but the timing and skills to save you from fox one) but can still save you from IR missile form the rear which is good enough for it job

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But you are not just asking for R-27Rs, Others are asking for R-77, R-27ER, R-27ET and R-73s and I doubt they’ll ever stop demanding those. A pair of R-27Rs, yeah, thats probably fine. But others are not happy with that, they want the Su-39 to be just as strong as the Mig-29 is in ARB, and they will never accept anything different

I love that you have to compare a 11.3 attacker to 12.0 air superiority fighters to make your “point”. Ironically you you’ve just perfectly demonstrated why the Su39 should NOT have better a2a missiles.

I see plenty of British players in this thread complaining about the harrier GR 7 actually. Also just because a plane is good in ground RB dosnt mean it needs to be held back in air RB if it has options that would make it more competitive. The Su-39 does have possible additions that would help it in air RB so this is a simple fix. Let’s try and stay reasonable about this and not become childish ok?

I bought it for ground RB but that still doesn’t mean it should be terrible in air RB when there’s simple options that would allow it too do better in air RB as well. It being a ground attacker is a irrelevant because this is war thunder and we try to make thaings as balanced as possible so every plane is fun.

Hah you just said it yourself you bought it for Ground like it is supposed to be, it is meaned as a strike aricraft that ground players can use without needing to grind trough a complete tech tree. It is not meaned to be used to grind the Air tree

And right now it is balanced you fool, balanced for ground its MAIN ROLE, there is so many other things that other vehicles are missing that should be addressed first

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Not complaining, actually making the exact opposite point. Harrier Gr7, should probably be 10.7/11 considering its ARB power. But is at 11.7 because it does have powerful CAS attributes. Not a single british player is complaining about that. Because that makes sense. We dont expect to be able to go toe to toe with a mig-29 or F-16. We play to our strenghts. we use it in GRB or SB, or hang back and engage distracted targets avoiding the main brawl.