@Morvran Buy and have fun with Su-39. Tell me how it was
So i’ll take that as no, you ONLY want the Su-39 to get historically accurate AAM that would significantly buffs its A2A power, meanwhile other nations cannot. Typical russian main
Actually, that’s USAF F-4D Phantom
See the number “243” on the front gear cover?
Managed to find the very same jet (in same configuration even) elsewhere which confirms it is F-4D
The serial number of this jet in particular is “66-0243”
Also another thing worth pointing out, UK Phantom variants never had that chin pod below radome
So i’ll take that as no, you ONLY want the Su-39 to get historically accurate AAM that would significantly buffs its A2A power, meanwhile other nations cannot. Tpyically russian main
I play a lot of US, DU and RU planes. I think the Su-39 is too weak right now. It’s not fair to other players who use it ARB.
They dont suck, the SU 39 doesnt suck for its intensed purpose either end of the thing. It is balanced as it should be, you want to force sth that is not needed
For the X time it is supposed to be used as a striker for GRB not for ARB
For the X time it is supposed to be used as a striker for GRB not for ARB
So, every plane that has the role of an attacker cannot have BVR missiles. That’s a great argument!
Name one other striker currently with bvr missles, the game is not ready for that
Name one other striker currently with bvr missles, the game is not ready for that
Why is an attacker with Beyond Visual Range (BVR) missiles considered unique? It’s just a plane, not a UFO from another planet.
It’s not fair to other players who use it ARB.
and giving a PREMIUM aircraft the same if not greater A2A power than that of most of nations TOP TIER tree jets, would be far far more unfair. Do you not see that. The fact that you want a jet, that you can buy, whenever, to have AAMs most other nations dont even have on their fighters? can you not see the imbalance that WOULD cause?
When was the last time you played ARB at about 9.7 ish? The last time I flew at that BR was in the Lightning F6. I almost immediately got sniped by a Premium A-10 with Aim-9Ls and there was NOTHING I could do to evade it. That is what would happen, except this time, it would be at 11. You give the Su-39 too much A2A power, and it would just wipe out the BR. It would be meta. with IRCM it would be very hard to shoot down, and with powerful AAM it could kill with ease.
THERE MUST BE MODERATION. It cannot jump to powerful AAM, ESPECIALLY on a ground attacker that I suspect a few probably alreayd want nerfed, based upon looks at its loadout. I imagine the ONYL reason its at 11.3 and not 11.7 with its current loadout, is because its premium
@marcinel the problem is you are not willing to see any argument against it , you only fight and fight back no matter how many say that this currently is a balancing decision for grb
You cannot reason with a brick wall
We gave you so many , you just dont want to listen
Everything i already said copy pasta broken record u dont considwr an arguemnt against it is an actual argument
Would you all support a new thread, regarding Iris-T for the Tornado IDS Strike jets? Currently they have just two Sidewinders. They have only few CMs, break wings very easily and are as maneuverable as a bus. Also their CAS loadout is very slim. They have zero chance to compete vs enemy fighter jets, so I suppsose it would ok?
and you have not given a SINGLE good reason for it too get better AAMs, especially BVR missiles. Give us 1 good, valid reason for it get that