I hate Afghanistan because of the alt. Quite a few of my normal jets just hate being high
In what way? Maneuvrability? Basicly svery jet struggles at alt with pull… the only jets that should technically hate alt would be the ones that dont do BVR well, like the sparrow armed F-16’s and the gripens. Tho technically speaking, with excessive cons and MP being an issue, being at alt with most jets is a lil dicey in sim
Jaguar, Tornado, Harrier and Buc. They all feel… unwieldly at alt. Heck you can barely take-off with any meaningful bomb load in most of them :D
Tbf, the tornado and iirc the bucc are low alt aircrafts in the first place… qs is the tornado and jag afaik. And only 1 of those is of any use in bvr…
Jag, Tonka and Buc were all low alt strike aircraft. they were usually operated at 300ft. So yeah, not really that surprising. Harrier’s wierdly do like being up high, but you give up most of your advantages in say the Gr7 by doing that. Only really the FA2 would be good on that map.
Yeah, BVR trucks can do well. F3 radar just controls that map, but the Phantoms I just dont bother, too much noise, but overall, I dont find the advantage all that great. Especially with the annoying things on that map, like landing and taking off at alt and possibly into and out of clouds (God I wish we had GMR just for dealing with that)
Its a fine map under the right conditions, I just find the disadvantages too annoying. Plus no Carrier for take-offs and landings
I like it mostly cuz its one of the rare terrain heavy maps, and is along with other “good maps” the largest current in-game size as well. The clouds do also act as a pro and con. Sometimes they help you in BVR (hide contrails) sometimes you eat a mountain…
Yeah, I will give you that, you can do some proper terrain masking. I did manage quite an extended sortie, plodding around deep inside enemy territory in the Buc S2B the other day and never saw the enemy once.
Just need a similar map, but with a much lower base alt.
EC Pyranese release when
Thats spain :p spain has lower alt, lower terrain (but still god for hiding) and the terrain covers most of the map!
Maybe ill take another crack at reviving my old suggestion. Ill cry if the mods kill it for an 8th time tho.
It may be worth it to also take look at the maps available in arcade to see if any would be useful, though they are obviously small for EC maps, maybe inspiration could be taken for future development.
I personally think that most of the Air Arcade only (Ground Strike) maps could work pretty well if scaled up properly in an EC context especially; African Canyon, African Coast, Ireland, Iron Range, and Mountain Gorge (Graverobber’s Cliffs would get an honorable mention but is slightly too small, and Top of the World lacks enough features to be a great map) since they tend to have multiple valleys and other relatively large features that can be used to break line of sight. And I much prefer them in high tier arcade(8.7 and higher) with in air ordnance replenishment, and no multipath so has a constant stream of missiles and no crutch for poor situational awareness.
My old suggestions the mods so helpfully killed when the new forums were introduced was the most popular map suggestion ever on the old forum (iirc), and was never passed to devs, despite having vastly more votes and being older than certain things that were…
General gist of it was reworking some old arcade maps to fit top tier RB as EC maps.
The maps were:
The literal entire point of the suggestion was providing reworked high quality maps for top tier jets while decreasing gaijin dev workloads by reusing old assets and just modernising them.
To this day, I dont understand why the mods killed this suggestion.
i love how the mountains kinda break up the map into a bunch of smaller segments, makes it feel a bit bigger then what it actually is since people cant just see everybody on the map at all times with their radar like on flat maps.
There is photos with R-77s but we have Photo where X-29T is placed beside of Vihr
i know, i just gave up with that game
Now that the ARH missiles have been added to the game, can we again start the discussion about adding R-27 and R-77 missiles to Su-39?
It would be great if it gets Khod FLIR pod as well.
Do we need a new topic, or is posting here enough?
I was originally against it personally but since the patch dropped, i think this could be a decent way to give a little very much needed positive bumb to REDFOR teams in sim.
REDFOR teams kinda need to rely on the Su-25/39 for ground attack objectives in sim that arent base bombing, and atm these planes are defenseless vs the waves of ARH’s. It might still be an issue in GFRB tho, so that balance side of things would still need to be monitored imo.
Just bare in mind that R-27ERs would likely mean at least 11.7, maybe 12.0 and R-77s would mean 12.3. Whilst it would give it more teeth in GRB, it would be quite a major nerf in ARB. So the question is. Do you want to shoe-horn it even more as a GRB only aircraft than it already?
Gaijin hate touching the BR of premiums. Even with perfectly reasonable modification. Challenger DS got its historical L26 rounds and BR increase of 0.3 after more than a year of asking for it. Nearly a full BR increase to add R-77s might be a non-starter.
Pod would probably be fine
I reckon Su-24 later this year. Could be perfect alongside a F-111C and Tornado IDS “late” update.
Well, honestly, I think Su-39 would play the same at 12.0 BR, as it does at 11.3 BR.
Just before the patch, I finished “spading” Su-25SM3 at 11.7 /12.7 BR.
You could freely use the experiences of Su-25SM3 to look how raising the BR for Su-39 would feel.
General playstyle in Air RB for Su-25 is simply awful. Most of the time you fly low to the ground, using terrain, to avoid incoming ARH and SARH missiles (which, after the multipathing nerf, is nearly impossible). And by the time you reach the middle of the map - battle is mostly already over. Either the enemy team steamrolled your team, or friendly team destroyed the enemy team.
If the enemy wins the air battle, then they gang up on you, stopping you before you can bomb bases or destroy ground targets. If friendly team wins, you have a short amount of time to groundpound before the battle ends due to enemy team annihilation.
On the other hand, performance of Su-39 in Ground RB wouldn’t change much, with the BR increase. This aircraft is already in the BR range of some of the most dangerous SPAA vehicles in the game, and adding few radar guided air-to-air missiles won’t change that.
Only thing that would change with the addition of R-27 and R-77 on Su-39 in Ground RB, would be that it would gain the ability to perform anti-CAS role. But, even that ability would be limited, because of the SP cost, for spawning with those missiles. SP cost alone would force players to spawn either with Vikhr missiles and go for ground targets, or spawn with air-to-air missiles and try to keep the sky clear.
So, in the end, I wouldn’t mind the BR increase, if we could get R-27/R-77 missiles and FLIR pod.
Also, I think your notion that Gaijin is reluctant to change BR of premium vehicles, is false.
I have acquired a number of premium vehicles over the years of playing War Thunder, and a good number of them has had their BR changed. I can name 10 such vehicles of the top of my head, just in the USSR tech tree, to which the Su-39 belongs.