Su-39, "Khod/Kinzhal" Thermal Imaging/Radar Container

Shouldnt matter. You cannot complain about a “missing feature” on one jet, and then expect them to ignore any and all missing features on other jets simply because you paid for yours and expect it to be P2W

Actually was - Su-25TK


Can you please comment on this?

is there a plan to add a thermal imaging pod to the Su-39? and if so, can you provide a vague time-table. This thread keeps getting bumped

A-6E tram with guided bombs at 10.0 - p2w
Turm3 - p2w

start from here.

I’m not against the radar on the tornado at all. I’m not an idiot who wants everyone to feel bad. I want to play an interesting plane and I want to achieve this, you can improve yours and not waste my time.
Is it logical?

True, but the thing that makes me feel angry is they knew perfectly they couldn’t propose the plane for what it is, a multirole aircraft. They just saw the su-25k made them money and wanted to do the same thing, but completely wrong. A lot of vehicles, even premium, are missing feature. But i think it is the first time an aircraft is so badly implemented. Not in terms of bugs etc, but an aircraft uncapable of doing one of it’s primary missions (after ground attacks) is really insane. We are not talking about an aim9L being an aim 9G, but it missing an entire loadouts of AA missile and some suspended technologies, such as the kinzhal and the khod.

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I am generally interested in plans for this aircraft.

And the thermal imager Khod, and the millimeter wave radar Kinzhal, and the R-27R.
I provided information on these systems. Especially on “Dagger”. I found a table with the detection range of different signatures.


They added an aircraft, the main modification of which was:

  1. all-weather (su-25t is not all-weather)
  2. the ability to attack air targets

How many of these modification are in the game? 0.

The lack of AAMs was to balance it. If it had its true AAM power, then it would have to be at BR12+, making it worthless in GRB.

It was added for GRB, as an option for players to buy for a top tier CAS jet and skip the grind, it was never intended for ARB. This has already basically been confirmed by the devs.

My guess for the thermal pod is either

A) It wasnt ready and therefore be patient - again i’d refer you to the SHar FRS1, which has the radar from the F5-E and the cockpit from the Gr3, which neither are even remotely accurate. been 7 months, still waiting on that front

B), it was ommitted so they could add it later if it needed a GRB Buff.

"Right now its too soon to provide any meaningful statement on its performance. The aircraft is indeed doing satisfactory in ground RB. Naturally attackers are going to be weaker in some cases in Aviation modes.

If / when we have some more news on the topic, we will for sure share it." - Smin

So by all accounts its doing fine without it and may or may not need it. Only time will tell, again be patient.

I think you can be lucky they didnt whack it up to 11.7 because it has 16x Vikhrs. The same way the Gr7 is at 11.7 purely because of the AGM-65Ds. Neither would/do belong that high, but when aircraft are balanced for GRB, then what can you do

What? At 12.0 we have 4th generation aircraft.

The utlimate answer to this thread and i think a lot of other is as simple as this :

Separate BR in ground and air.

As i said, im using the su-25T, not the 39 and oh boi, it is the worst stock grind i had ever had in my whole war thunder experience.

I’m trying to tell you that if something was not entered into your tornado, this does not mean that I do not have the right to demand the correct implementation of the Su-39, for example.

Just because you are silent and waiting for the radar for years, nothing is moving anywhere.

If the players do not give negative feedback that they were sold an unreliable cropped plane for $70, then the developer considers that this is normal

Where did you get this quote from?

it could have R-27ER, R-73 and R-77. Those would require it to be at least 12

R-27R technically arent historically accurate from what I understand. But would be a compromise to keep it at 11.3-11.7 but even then could be quite strong in certain situations as they are on par with the other nations top tier BVR AAM

This, of course, is necessary, but I rather return to the question that the developer introduces a meaningless radar that has nothing to direct and does not give the aircraft what distinguishes it from the previous modification

Sorry, I would never do this. It’s easier to work instead of grinding and buy a su-39

not silent, but I cant shout as loud as Gunjob can, and if his shouting has achieved little in 7 months, then my shouting really isnt going to do anything

I think this is a response to a rather dumb topic where people, instead of asking for things that are already in the game and balanced (R-27R, thermal imager), wanted R-77 and R-73, which will be completely broken, like brimstone

I couldnt agree more, been saying the same thing ever since the Su-39 was added. Would fix so many problems

Not the only one, Jaguar Gr1 really really sucks

Yes and no. But I think its still relevant.

True but at least you’re fast and can bomb base. A subsonic aircraft at 11.3 is hard, but when your only grinding solution is to bomb base you are actually thinking about smashing your keayboard

Will be nice to finally have something “meta” that isnt soviet or US.