BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion

It was reported but considered not a bug, given the twin store has three mounting points, if it was moved the centre point it would be fine.

I have achieved.

420 Victories, 1337 air kills.


I might hope gajin add Sea Harrier FA.2 with IR AAM AIM-9L/ AIM-9M sidewinder & ARH BVRAAM AIM-120A/AIM-120B AMRAAM this year

God damn.

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Very nice, I’m looking forward to taking the FRS1 out into SB once its radar gets fixed. Does look like its quite a decent jet.

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I have transcended my human form.

I am sea harrier now.


Book recommendation for those interested regarding the FRS.1

I’m just getting towards the end of “Hostile Skies, The Battle for The Falklands” by David Morgan.

Great read about the war, the quirks of the SHAR and it’s weaponry…including the quirkyness of the 9L.

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I’ll check that out at some point. Sea Harrier over the Falklands by Commander Sharkey Ward is also an excellent read.

Lots of interesting information about the Sea Harrier, but also how differently the team on HMS Invincible approached the war compared to the team on HMS Hermes (leasing to one of them loving the Sea Harrier, while the other thought it was terrible).

That’s definitely going on my list. Will pick up a copy when I can.

Interestingly in the one im reading, which I wasn’t aware of…

…towards the mid/end of the Falklands war, Harrier GR.3s were fitting with radar jammers, nicknamed ‘Blue Eric’ which jammed the I band spectrum, that most Argentine radar systems were believed to use.
The jammer sat mounted to the read of one of the gun pods.

I don’t know if we have a Gen 1 harrier thread, but would a jammer be useful in game?

An excerpt about the 9L that made me chuckle.

“Years later I was on a training flight from Yeovilton, around the Welsh valleys and back to base. I was carrying a brand new AIM9-L training head on an inert missile and was letting it gently search in a circular pattern as I flew along at low level, admiring the late-summer evening. As I flew across the Bristol Channel the missile began to growl every time it passed the lowest part of its scan. Out of curiosity I pressed the lock button and the head immediately locked to a target in the haze ahead and started to chirp urgently, indicating that it had a valid launch solution. As I approached Newport I realised that the lock diamond was sitting solidly over a railway wagon, and as I overflew it I saw that it was full of newly rolled plates from the steel works. This was impressive enough but a few miles on the seeker locked onto a plume of smoke from someone’s bonfire in a back garden. The most amazing lock came thirty minutes later as I ran across Exmoor at 250 feet. The missile locked to a patch of ground about a mile ahead of me and held until I flew right overhead. I was unable to see what had attracted the lock until I was right on top of the target. As I flashed over it, I realised that the missile had picked up a pile of manure. Quite a weapon that could lock onto a steaming dung heap!”

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Ive just picked up a copy of Sharkey Ward’s book.

I also spotted this advertised, but cant find a copy anywhere.

Anyone read it?

Its more than a TWS mode…
It is similar to mirage 2000-5’s RDY radar with LPRF, MPRF, and HPRF automatically scheduled in, which means that it can maintain track if target is detected in anyone of those mode…
Obviously, currently in game Mirage 2000-5 doesn’t have that.
If it is modelled correctly, then it is almost un-notchable unless at extremely low altitude with a bunch of chaff.

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After having to fight Mig-29s with R-27ERs, I’d quite happily take a radar that cannot be notched no matter what.

sounds like another placeholder.

I’d almost put money on the FA2 having the Foxhunter radar from the F3 (at launch). Also wouldnt surprise me if it had the cockpit from the Gr3 like the FRS1 or from the Gr7.

Oh I am aware. The Blue Vixen was even preposed to replace the Fox Hunter in the F.3, sadly they carried on upgrading the Fox Hunter. But yes the Blue Vixen is a very modern multimode radar.

Did the FRS.1 carry any fire and forget anti ship weapons? Would be quite nice for Sim

Carried Sea Eagle which has an active seeker so would be fire and forget, this is what I have on it;



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So basically the same as the Komoran mechanic wise? Is there a Suggestion for it already open or should I do one?

I’ll pop something in for it this evening.


That would be great. I just hope the active radar Missle mechanic will be reworked at some point, I hear the Komoran sadly still have the tendency to target the highest point of the ship.